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你看,这就是达斡尔族的传统民居。You see this is a traditional Daur house.

民居相当好,充满现代化气息。Dwelling houses look quite good and modern.

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韩佳,你对我们维吾尔族民居了解得真不少。Han Jia, you know quite a lot about our Uygur houses.

柳宗元文化在柳氏民居得以传承。Liu Zongyuan Culture has been transmitted in Liu's Homes.

并对自建民居提出适宜性的改进措施。Self-built houses and suitability of the improvements made.

在东京,约三分之二的民居遭到破坏。Nearly two-thirds of all residences in Tokyo were destroyed.

新疆民居具有明显的地方特色。The traditional houses of Xingjiang have evident local style.

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民居紧紧贴住山坡上,似乎是由海风的力量固定着的。The houses cling to the hillside as if hung there by the wind.

圆形土楼是客家人居住的典范民居。Hakka Earth Building is a circular model of residential living.

现在这些小型机组已足够微型,甚至可以在普通民居中安装了。These are now small enough to be easily installed in ordinary homes.

在金燕的协助下,她们找到了一家俭朴的上海民居。In jinyan under the assistance, they found a simple Shanghai residents.

第二次世界大战结束之后,德国对民居和办公用房的需求迅速上升。After World War II, Germany needed residential and office space quickly.

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朋友们,请到北院门144号民居来观光吧!Dear friends, welcome to visit No. 144 residential house in Bei Yuan Men.

沿着一条五尺源,十余幢民居临水而建。Along a five foot source, more than ten residential buildings built in water.

由于我国民居的大门,通常都是两扇对开,所以门神总是成双成对。Since China's residential doors, which are two off, door god always in pairs.

有些阿富汗民居会有一间主要的客厅,这是男人的社交场所。Some Afghan houses contain a special room where men socialize with each other.

中国最富裕的村庄华西村,新民居鳞次栉比。New houses stand in Huaxi village, China's richest village in Jiangsu province.

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原有的低层木结构民居开始向多层砖木结构转化,外部形态也开始西化。The original low-rise wooden structure is transformed into multilayer structure.

因为我国民居的大门,通常都是两扇对于开,所以门神总是成双成对于。Since Chellona's residential doors, whelloch are two off, door god always in pairs.

古老的东方民居和朦胧而清淡的色彩,构成了一幅清雅的水彩作品。The ancient Eastern residence, the misty and subtle color, is an elegant art piece.