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“外婆”规则。The “Grandma” rule.

外婆边看边笑。Nanny watches, laughs.

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我的外公外婆去世了。My grandpa and grandma died.

和外婆一起在农庄摘草莓。Picking Dewberries at the Farm!

外婆你眼睛咋么这么大呀。What big eyes you have Grandma.

外婆,您的牙可真大啊!Grandma, what big teeth you have!

我的外婆都可以得分。My grandma could have scored that!

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除了外婆谁都不许叫我月亮派。Nobody calls me Moon Pie but Meemaw!

和外婆一样,他也是患中风死的。He died of a stroke, same as Grandma.

还有那狼外婆的故事伴随了我的童年。And with my childhood grandma Wolf story.

外婆说菲菲是在过中国时间。Waipo said I am living the Chinese time zone.

外婆将金项链拿出来给朵索。Grandma will take out gold necklace to a rope.

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外婆,要是我早点能来该多好呀!Grandma,if only i would have gone there early!

朵索却坚持,自己不需要外婆的钱。One insisted, grandma they dont need the money.

这对耳环让我想起了外婆的耳环。These earrings remind me of grandma's earrings.

外婆是无锡人,出身富裕的大家庭。Grandma, born in a well-off family, is from Wuxi.

外公外婆带星词去看花。Grandpa and Grandma took Sage out in the blossom.

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狗外婆现在满眼泪水。This dog grandma is writing with tears in my eyes.

外婆你总是很好闻你怎么办到的?Grandma, you always smell good. How do you do that?

我外婆的家里是在奉化的一个小村庄里。My grandmother's house in Fenghua, a small village.