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对于受到中伤我已司空见惯了。I'm used to being sniped at.

我敢确定这是一个很司空见惯的事情。A very common scenario, I'm sure.

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眺槽是一件司空见惯的事。Job-hopping is a very common thing.

这在各大公司都是司空见惯的。It was a norm for any major company.

这些都是在电脑上已经司空见惯的服务。These are services we're used to on the PC.

洪水在圣·彼得堡算是司空见惯的。Floods in St.Petersburg is a common phenomenon.

在这个国家,非法翻印曾经是司空见惯的。Pirating used to be commonplace in this country.

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在这个金钱至上的都市里,给小费是司空见惯的。Gratuity is customary in this money-mad metropolis.

在这个金钱至上的大都市里,给小费是司空见惯的。Gratuity is customary in this money-mad metropolis.

在引入新事物时,这是司空见惯的情形。This is pretty common when new things are introduced.

而现在,我们对这种同盟已经司空见惯。Nowadays we are accustomed to the U.S.-Japan alliance.

推卸责任是大官僚机构里司空见惯的事。Passing the buck is a way of life in large bureaucracies.

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方方正正的住宅楼,实在是司空见惯。Square Founder residential building, it is common really.

孩子们在绕圈圈,她们对太婆流泪已司空见惯。The girls mill around. They are used to her tears by now.

勾心斗角在每个单位都司空见惯。Intrigue against each other is quotidian in every company.

从此以后,特殊任务就司空见惯,习以为常了。After that the special missions became frequent Occurances.

居住在这里的人对这样古灵精怪的老鼠也是司空见惯的。Living in a place like this, one must expect the odd mouse.

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纽约杂志对争议性封面司空见惯。The New York magazine is no stranger to controversial covers.

人情的冷漠已是不足为奇,尔虞我诈已是司空见惯!Human indifference is not surprising and intrigues are common!

在18至22之间又返回家庭这一现司空见惯。Rebounds to the family are common between the ages of 18 to 22.