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那天主教徒们怎么办?。And what of the Papists?

如果这是真爱怎么办?What if this is real love?

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万一割破了手怎么办呀!What if he has his hand cut?

说吧,下步怎么办?。Go ahead, what happened next?

那你的股票怎么办Well, what about your shares?

如果我注定要失败怎么办?What if I’m destined to fail?

转氨酶高怎么办啊?How does transaminase do high?

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吃荔枝过敏了,怎么办?。Take litchi allergy, how to do?

反兴奋剂的事怎么办?。How about the anti-doping affairs?

帕特里克你准备怎么办Patrick, what are you going to do?

夏季皮肤过敏怎么办?。How does summertime skin allergy do?

如果脸上起了癣怎么办?。If how tinea rose to do on the face?

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夏天脚脱皮怎么办啊?How does crural desquamate do summer?

如果百事定价在边际成本怎么办What if Pepsi prices at marginal cost?

你好歹是个部门经理.不要来问我怎么办.You are a section chief, don`t ask me.

家有消瘦宝宝,怎么办?。How should I do with my fleshless baby?

面对这一团糟,你打算怎么办?What do you plan to do about this mess?

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如果一颗流星砸中核电站又怎么办?What if a meteorite falls on the plant?

美人快要迟暮了,怎么办?。Beauty is about late evening, how to do?

但是那些人腰围越来越粗怎么办?But what about those growing waistlines?