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你将间隔填补上了You fill in the gap.

你猜谁会填补这些空缺?Guess who fills in the gaps?

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牙医填补龋齿。A dentist fills decayed teeth.

它填补了我的怀疑心。It fills My heart with wonder.

这一资助差额必须加以填补。This funding gap must be filled.

心空了那么多,该怎么填补。Heart empty so much, how to fill.

挤压石灰填补姜汁啤酒。Squeeze lime fill with ginger beer.

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这部著作试图填补一项空白。The work is intended to fill a void.

有个蛀齿的小洞要填补。There is a small cavity to be filled.

并非所有机构都能够填补市场空隙.Not everyone is able to fill the void.

因此,有人必须再一次填补这个窟窿。So, again, someone must fill the hole.

奥谢则填补了布朗右边的空缺。Shea filled in for Brown at right-back.

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他们用砖填补了人行道上的坑。They bricked in a hole in the sidewalk.

依靠投资增长来填补空缺也是不可能的。Nor can investment rise to fill the gap.

冬日假期往往填补我们的喜悦。Wintery holidays often fill us with joy.

我正在努力填补空白。And that I’m trying to fill in the blanks.

这牙齿蛀洞的填补物掉出来了。The filling of this tooth cavity fell out.

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你的牙齿蛀了一个洞,必须填补。You have a cavity that needs to be filled.

这本书填补了词典学方面的重大缺门。This book fills a major gap in lexicography.

要填补的洞太深,权力又太分散。The hole is too deep and power too fragmented.