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什麽是潜意识销售?。What is Hypno-Selling?

哎吆!那是个潜意识的暗示吗?不!WHOOPS ! Is that a subliminal hint? NO!

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如果潜意识被看见,那么它就是意识的。If I could see the unconscious, it'd be conscious.

潜意识把情感和每个物体联系起来。This subliminal image tied an emotion to each object.

这些潜意识的图像为每个物体都绑定了一种情绪。These subliminal images tied an emotion to each object.

精神分析学假装要调查我们的潜意识。Psycho-analysis pretends to investigate the Unconscious.

为什么所有潜意识里的防御者都枪法都这么烂?Why are all the subconscious mercenaries such bad shots?

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真相就是,你无法控制你潜意识里的茉儿。The truth that Mal is bursting through your subconscious.

我要进入到我的潜意识里。I go to my subconsciousness. I have to go into that chaos.

传说中的永恒之地在你的潜意识里。Legend has it the eternal place in your subconscious Lane.

所以,对于弗洛伊德来说意识的另一面是潜意识。So the spin on consciousness for Freud is the unconscious.

我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光!Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision.

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软广告通过潜意识的作用来影响消费者。The soft sell approach gets to consumers in a subliminal way.

潜意识信息能来自于预先录制的,或者活体信号。The subliminal data can be from a prerecorded or live signal.

我猜想这在一定程度上是出于对永生的潜意识渴望。I suppose part of it is a subconscious desire for immortality.

在你的潜意识里,也存在的恋童倾向?There are also the paedophile tendencies in your subconscious?

学会简单的技巧来加深潜意识的印象。Learn the simple techniques of impressing the subconscious mind.

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或许在潜意识的层面上,我们认为我们能够做到。Perhaps on a subconscious level we were thinking we would do it.

所以,成也潜意识,败也潜意识。Therefore, as also the subconscious, also lost the subconscious.

对弗洛伊德潜意识理论必须加以辩证的看待。We should look on Freud's subconsciousness theory dialectically.