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迪斯尼游乐场在洛杉矶的近郊。Disneyland is in Los Angeles suburb.

那么你是熟悉巴黎近郊的罗?You know the environs of Paris, then?

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他们大多住在近郊。They mostly live on the outskirts of a town.

不过,这代表的只是近郊的一些部分。But those are typical only of some inner suburbs.

城市近郊的山头上,到处可以看到样子丑陋的坟墓。Hills in the suburban of city teem with ugly tombs.

玉兰堂古艺术位于美国芝加哥近郊。We are located in suburb of Chicago, Illinois, USA.

在东京近郊的环翠楼是间十分受欢迎的温泉旅馆。The Kansuiro Ryokan, just outside Tokyo, is very popular.

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美国犹他州北部城市,奥格登市的近郊。人口24,603。A city of northern Utah, a suburb of Ogden. Population, 24,603.

比如那些住在威彻斯特郡近郊的人,对吗?like Westchester County, people who live in the suburbs, right?

美国犹他州北部城市,奥格登市的近郊。人口24,'03。A city of northern Utah, a suburb of Ogden. Population, 24, '03.

这个城市近郊的一家铝厂去年倒闭。An aluminum plant on the outskirts of the city closed last year.

美国密歇根州东南部一城市,是底特律的一个近郊城镇。人口22,897。A city of southeast Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Population, 22,897.

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近郊和远郊人口的迅猛增长。The exceptionally fast growth of populations in the suburbs and exurbs.

美国密西根州西部一城,是大急流城的近郊。人口37,826。A city of western Michigan, a suburb of Grand Rapids. Population, 37,826.

美国内华达州东南部一个社区,是拉斯维加斯的近郊。人口23,3'5。A community of southeast Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas. Population, 23,3'5.

就在雷克雅未克近郊的一个发电厂附近,真是太壮观了。It’s near a power plant outside Reykjavik, and it’s absolutely spectacular.

美国俄亥俄州西南部城市,是戴顿市的工业近郊。人口'0,5'9。A city of southwest Ohio, an industrial suburb of Dayton. Population, '0,5'9.

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俄亥俄州东北部一城市,克利夫兰和阿克隆的一近郊住宅区。人口28,230。A city of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland and Akron. Population, 28,230.

毕加索和诗人雅科布在巴黎近郊轮流睡一张床。Picasso and the poet Max Jacob, down but not out in Paris, shared abed in turn.

乔治亚州西北部一城市,为亚特兰大的一近郊住宅区。人口7,33。A city of northwest Georgia, a residential suburb of Atlanta. Population, 7,33'.