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现行政策亦有改进余地。Policy can also improve today.

在现行制度下未做规定。Not addressed in existing regulations.

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表见代理是我国现行民法中的一项空白。There is not surface agency in our law.

这与现行政策不符。This is not incompatible with existing policy.

必须对现行采矿工业指标进行优化选择。The present industry indexes must be optimizing.

现行的分配政策使人们变得消极。The present distribution policy demotivated people.

那时,你就会谈论对现行制度巨大的冲击了。Then you're talking about huge shocks to the system.

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那时,你就会谈论对现行制度巨大的冲击了。Then you’re talking about huge shocks to the system.

现行的表决程序亦维持不变。The current voting procedure should also be retained.

该报告提议应大幅度重新思考现行法令。The report suggests a radical rethink of existing law.

铹这项变革对现行的学生签证持有者有影响吗?Would this change affect existing student visa holders?

因为其现行制度是基于一个假想敌。Because the existing system is based on having an enemy.

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然而,现行提议可能代价惨重。The current proposal could prove pyrrhic victory, however.

这对现行的成本会计提出了新的要求。This is the current cost of a new accounting requirements.

我国现行刑事诉讼属于强职权主义诉讼模式。Chinese criminal procedure mode is a sup-inquisitorial one.

在这方面,现行的水瓶座守护星是天王星。In this regard, the prevailing star for Aquarius is Uranus.

现行计划生育政策,造成了诸多的不和谐。Present family planning policy has caused many disharmonies.

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现行高考制度将终结?。Will the system of current college entrance examination end?

汉翻英是现行中学英语课本中的一项重要练习。Chinese-English translation is an important exercise in SEFC.

现行产品的修改及产品升级。Existing product modification, extension for new part number.