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众口相传,消息不胫而走。The news was passed on by word of mouth.

一个诚实的声音胜过众口多言。One honest voice can be louder than a crow.

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然而,经济学家对于经济恢复的速度却是众口不一。Still, economists are mixed on the pace of recovery.

这种事就可能会成为众口相传的新闻。Then the incident may become a piece of news that is on everybody's lips.

事实是,大家对已发生或未发生的事往往众口纷纭。Fact of the matter is, there are as many opinions on what happened or didn't happen.

是褒是贬众口不一也是情有可原,毕竟每个人心目中都有其对孔子形象的定位。That's understandable as everyone may have his or her own impression on what Confucius should look like.

然而,到那天,当祂亲自来到世上作王的时候,万膝都要向祂跪拜,众口都要承认耶稣基督是主,将荣耀归予父神。One day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

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真爱如同鬼怪,众口相传,然目睹者鲜矣″法国规语作家-拉罗什富科。"True love is like ghosts. Everyone talks about them, but few have ever really seen one. " ― La Rouchefoucauld.

没有完全发展成熟或没有完全适应外界多样性就投入使用的机械系统,必然会遭到众口一致的诟病。Unripe machinery let out before it is fully grown and fully integrated with diversity will be a common complaint.

从那天起,他们不住地寻找她,众口相传地说,因为她丢了,世界失去了一种快乐。From that day the search is unceasing for her, and the cry goes on from one to the other that in her the world has lost its one joy!

由这刻始,万膝将要跪拜,众口都要承认耶稣基督是主,并将荣耀归给父神。It is the beginning of the time when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

是的,令人震惊。这种人非常多。情况也很复杂。众口一致创造出这个国家虚假的民意。我明白了。谢谢你。Yes. Quite shocking. Quite many. Verysophisticated. Work in concert to create false public opinion from the States. I have learned. Thank you.

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尽管对于该短期项目的有效性,人们众口不一,但中国正在实施新的举措来促进其高校的发展。People are debating the effectiveness of such a short-term tour for school leaders, but China is taking other steps to improve its universities, as well.

2002年2月13日,DOTNET诞生了,尽管业界或褒或贬,众口不一,但时至今日,DOTNET仍是如火如荼地发展起来。On February 13 in 2002, DOTNET launch, some IT professionals praise it and the other criticize, but up to now, DOTNET is still develop rapidly like a raging fire.