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右派翘尾巴也在这里。That's why the Rightists are so cocky.

那是少数人,是右派。They are only a handful and are Rightists.

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至于左派与右派,在宗教信仰上是否也壁垒分明?Are the left and right so religiously cleaved ?

只有扣帽子一事,对右派当别论。But labelling the Rightists is a different matter.

右派里有传统的共和党,而更右还有茶党。On the right, we have the traditional Republicans.

疯狂的右派选票the crazy right wing votes she's going to pick up.

右派也不会对工人阶层所处的窘境而欢欣。Rightists don’t revel in the plight of workers either.

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比阿特丽斯将获得所有的右派选票Beatrice is going to get all of these right wing votes.

他也是“右派”,他当大工,我当小工。He was also a right wing, he was a master, I was coolie.

不管左派右派,这就代表反知识分子。For both the left and right this means anti-intellectual.

右派是很好的反面教员。The Rightists are very good teachers by negative example.

极右派在大选前夕叛变。The extreme right wing mutinied just before the election.

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真正讲锻炼,这一回还是要感谢右派。For real tempering this time we have to thank the Rightists.

每一个城市都有一些右派,这些右派是要打倒我们的。There are Rightists in every city and they want to topple us.

我想这些右派分子都应该感谢冉云飞先生。I think all these right wingers ought to thank Mr. Ran Yunfei.

这只会增加美国天主教右派的怨气。This only heightened the dudgeon of the American Catholic right.

这就是反右派,就是整风。This was the anti-Rightist struggle, the rectification movement.

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我情愿作为右派死在祖国的土地上,也不到外国。I would rather die on my motherland as a Rightist than go abroad.

右派和左派的决斗好似北京居民表演的一种剑舞。Right arm duels left as a Peking resident performs a sword dance.

左派和右派都认同的一点是美国现在处于迷茫期。Where left and right agree is that America feels adrift right now.