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比如先哲苏格拉底,就是一位前瞻型的哲人。The pre-philosophers, philosophers who proceeded Socrates.

根据中国先哲的说法,他必须先从国内开始。According to ancient Chinese philosophers, it must start at home.

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先哲说“听而易忘,见而易记,做而易懂”I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.

回顾历史,伟大的先哲们对“什么是幸福”的思考由来已久。In history, the great sages had thought about"what happiness is"for a long time.

在中国古代文化先哲中,孟子是林语堂最为敬服的人物之一。In the ancient Chinese cultural sages Menciius is one Lin Yutang respects extremely.

最早给我们带来奥运会的那片文明中,一位先哲洞悉了一切。One of the luminaries of the civilization that first gave us the Olympics knew better.

相反,思考空间也许狭小有限,就和古希腊先哲们所认为的那样。Contrarily, thinking space may be as small and narrow as the Greek philosophers thought it was.

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美国的缔造者会被这些对先哲们的草率崇拜而深深的激怒。America's founders would have been profoundly annoyed by this kind of unreflective ancestor worship.

而且,正如中国先哲所预测的一样,表现出更多仁道的国家将会胜出。And, as China’s ancient philosophers predicted, the country that displays more humane authority will win.

儒家学派的先哲大师以易学充实了儒学,完善了儒家思想体系。The great thinkers of the past of Confucianism enriches Confucianism, improves the system of Confucianism.

最后,爱德华•朱利安诺博士用了中国两千五百年前的一位先哲的话,结束了这次采访。Edward Guiliano finally wrapped up the interview with a sentence of a sage of ancient China 2,500 years ago.

羑里城以其博大精深的文化内涵而名扬海内外,成为人们朝拜先哲、探索易道、应用易学的科学殿堂。Youli Castle is so famous and becomes the science palace for people to worship, explore and apply Book of Changes.

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我们欢迎这个理论,丝毫不存什么‘先哲’一类的形式的甚至神秘的念头在里面。In our acceptance of his theory no such formalistic or mystical notion as that of 'prophecy' ever enters our minds.

我还看到,无人遭到马克西姆的侮蔑,倒是有人自比圣贤先哲。I observed, too, that no man could ever think that he was despised by Maximus, or ever venture to think himself a better man.

这个书名恰到好处地描述了一个把自己弄得彷佛古圣先哲一样的机构,那些先贤的影响力正是源自其神秘。It was an apt description of an institution that styled itself on ancient oracles whose influence derived from their mystique.

西方先哲对幸福和平衡范畴进行了详尽的阐述和描绘。The western sages make a comprehensive presentation and description about the "Category of Felicity" and "Category of Balance".

但它的先哲和理解财务咨询,随着优良贴士目标设定,时间管理,职业的选择。But it's sage and comprehensible financial advice, along with excellent tips on goal-setting, time management, and career choices.

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先哲早已告诉我们,储蓄是一种美德,而挥霍浪费则会带来种种恶果。From time immemorial proverbial wisdom has taught the virtues of saving, and warned against the consequences of prodigality and waste.

奥运火炬传递期间,这一复兴达到新的高度。火炬光临这位先哲的家乡——曲阜,并举行华丽的庆祝活动。This revival reached new heights during the torch run, when the flame's arrival in Qufu, the sage's hometown, was celebrated lavishly.

在欧洲曾涌现出苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德、伊拉斯谟等众多先哲,而在古代中国,也曾诞生了老子、孔子、庄子、孙子等伟大思想家。For the world, we benefit from European philosophers, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Erasmus, for the ideas on democracy and reason.