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你女儿没有提非分要求。Your daughter asked no more than due.

非分阶段物质能否预注册?Can I pre-register non-phase-in substances?

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不可以。非分阶段物质不能进行预注册。No, you cannot pre-register non-phase-in substances.

调优非分代收集器堆设置Tuning heap settings for non-generational collectors

非分阶段物质通常是新的物质。Non-phase-in substances are therefore normally new substances.

整个晚上有人几次向她提出非分要求She was propositioned several times in the course of the evening.

一个FCB包括一个指针指向非分页部分。The FCB contains a pointer to the corresponding NON_PAGED_FCB part.

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在一个非分区数据库中,不需要分区键或分区映射。In a non-partitioned database, no partitioning key or partitioning map is required.

跟那支部队玩花头或是在其中得到非分提拔的人要倒霉了!Woe to the man who played tricks with that Army, or got undeserved promotion in it!

这是个非分析,通常婴儿刚生下来什么都不爱。I mean this is non-analysis. But usually the babies don't start out loving anything.

评估的记录,所有申请人是匿名和对非分级的基础上。Assessment of the records of all applicants is made anonymously and on a non-graded basis.

从而增加网格的可扩展性,实现非分层的分散网格系统。So the extensibility of grid is enhanced and the non-layer decentralized grid system is realized.

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至于从前自由派的法官自己也可能和托马斯一样,曾经有非分的念头,这只不过是一大讽刺罢了。And the fact that liberal Justices may have had overreaching notions of their own in the past is mere irony.

我们无法满足你的种种要求,所以别再提出非分的要求,知足些吧!We can't afford all the things you ask for. So stop crying for the moon and be satisfied with what you have.

EC97蛋白含有多种功能结构域,推测可能是一个中性的细胞内非分泌蛋白。EC97 protein is composed of some motifs and forecasted to be a neutral and non-secretory cytoplasmic protein.

考克斯曾经结过三次婚,他的两位前妻也抱怨白兰度也曾经搀和于他们的生活中并提出很多非分的要求。Cox, who had married three times, also struggled with Brando's demanding nature, two of his former wives said.

该课程非分特别关注了美国家庭的不同布景怎样决定其度假形式。This course pays particular attention to how American families' varying backgrounds shape their vacation experiences.

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而作为最主要的生产类闪存市场,“中国必然会受到咱们非分特此外存眷。”And as the most significant consumption kind shine keep the market, "China can get certainly we all the more attention."

针对非均质地层中电阻率非分块常数,提出一个新的自然电位测井模型。A new spontaneous potential log model for the case when formation resistivity is not piece- wise constant was introduced.

他们不必要非分格外的关注,由于当他们走进房间时,人们的视线会自然而然地被吸引过来。They don't have to make an extra effort to command attention. When they walk into a room, it tends to come naturally to them.