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她大模大样的走出了房间。She swept out the room.

不要大模大样走到任何地方。Don't go in a straight line anywhere.

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墨西哥秃子大模大样地走了出去。The airless Mexican walked boldly out.

我看见他穿着一身新衣服大模大样地在街上走。I saw him swaggering along the street in his new suit.

最愉快的莫如在一家豪华的饭店里大模大样地吃上一顿。The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant.

可不该发生的还是发生了,那些银行拿了纳税人的钱并大模大样的坐在了上面。But as it happened, the banks took the taxpayer money and just sat on it.

大概一两分钟后,我当时还坐在马桶上,那个小女孩推开洗手间的门,大模大样地走了进来。A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in.

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街坊称,不久前看到一名男子大模大样地扛着一扇门走了,哪里知道是小偷。Neighbourhood said recently saw a man carrying a swagger to go door, where know thieves.

直到此刻,韦小宝才嘘了口气,放开匕首,大模大样的在床沿坐了下来。Inwardly sighing with relief, Trinket put away his dagger and seated himself imperiously on the bed.

汤姆声称只要衣冠楚楚,大模大样,任何社交晚会都可以混进去。Tom claims it's easy to crash any party if you're dressed properly and look like you know what you're doing.

在拍摄安都因河的那个场景时,奥兰多·布鲁姆和约翰·里斯-戴维斯大模大样的从他们的船上走下来。While filming the scenes on the River Anduin, Orlando Bloom and John Rhys-Davies were swept out of their boats.

大概一两分钟后,我当时还坐在马桶上,那个小女孩推开洗手间的门,大模大样地走了进来。A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in. I was still sitting down.

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尽管虎在山林中作威作福,大模大样地走来走去,但有一个最大的弱点,就是不会上树。Although the tiger in the mountains of thrilled, big and walked up and down, but the biggest weakness is not a tree.

巴克只要经过斯帕斯,总是示威地耸起毛咆哮,事实上,巴克的行为近乎霸道,总爱在斯帕斯面前大模大样地走来走去。In fact, his conduct approached that of a bully, and he was given to swaggering up and down before Spitz's very nose.

事实上,我有很多新同事吃过午饭后,大模大样地趴在桌上睡午觉,我觉得自己真可以和以勤劳著称的苏联矿工斯塔汉诺夫媲美了。In fact, given that so many of my new workmates took a long shameless nap on their desks after lunch, I felt quite the Stakhanovite.

韦小宝咳嗽一声,从床底下大模大样走了出来,便向外走去,来到大厅之中。Trinket, with a self-important cough, got out from under the bed, walked out of the room, and strutted unconcernedly towards the hall.

肉食者鄙,这句话一说,几百年来都没多少人敢大模大样地宣称我爱红烧肉。The meat-eaters are vulgar, it said, for hundreds of years is not how many people dare to claim that I love red meat in an ostentatious manner.

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当我们知道了受害者完全处于无助的状态,而竟有这样一种人大模大样地刺激着我们帮助和保护别人的本能时,我们的恐惧又进一步提高了。Our horror is further heightened when we learn that the victim is helpless and the kind of person who normally stimulates our instinct to aid and protect.

一天傍晚,他跟着他们到了家,看见他们从大门进去以后,接着他也跟了进去,对那看门的大模大样地说One evening, after he had followed them to their dwelling,and had seen them disappear through the carriage gate, he entered in their train and said boldly to the porter

说过后,他大模大样地坐在桌子跟前,桌上还摆着烛台和写字用具,他从衣袋里抽出一张公文纸,开始写他的报告。That said, he seated himself with sovereign dignity before the table, where the candle and the writing-materials still remained, drew a stamped paper from his pocket, and began to prepare his report.