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天然富源也是一家尊重动物权利的公司。We are also an animal-friendly company.

双桅船的毁坏是一个新的富源。The destruction of the brig had been a new source of riches.

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她同时也是中国富源文化艺术中心的名誉教员。She is also an honorary faculty member at Fuyuan Cultural Arts Center in China.

欢迎各界朋友莅临邯郸市富源生铁有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。Welcome friends from all pig iron Fuyuan Co. , Ltd Handan City visit, guidance and business negotiation.

本着价格低廉,信誉至上,速度第一的服务宗旨,富源公司真诚为您服务。With low-cost, reputation first, speed the first principle of service, Fuyuan sincerely for your service.

盐城市富源油箱有限公司成立于2003年,是专业生产汽油机、柴油机油箱的制造商。Yancheng Fuyuan tank Co. , Ltd founded in 2003, is specialized in producing gasoline, diesel fuel tank manufacturers.

新华社说,警察在攻击事件发生后拘留了水电站业主“富源水电开发公司”的四名雇员。Xinhua says it is unclear who hired the thugs, but that police detained four employees of the Fuyuan Hydropower Development company after the attack.

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淄博博山富源履带机械有限公司,经过10年的生产实践,形成了严格的生产、质量管理体系。Japan and Italy and got high appraisal from the Customers. After ten year's practice, the company has formed a strict production and Quality control system.

咱们正在哄骗咱们的富源,同时污染的危险化学品的环境。要是咱们接续做这个地球上,糊口没有办法生存。We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

强降水发生时有强的上升运动与深厚饱和气柱互耦结构是富源、马龙大暴雨产生的重要动力机制。The most important motivated mechanism which caused the heavy rain in Fuyuan and Malong is the coupling of stronger ascending motion and profound saturation air column.

河源富源印刷厂成立1998年,我们拥有先进的印刷设备及专业技术管理人才和高、中级技术人员。Heyuan Fuyuan printing plant was established in 1998, We have advanced printing equipment and professional technical management personnel and high, intermediate and technical personnel.

深圳市凌亦浩实业有限公司是以香港富源医疗保健品有限公司为依托,集研发、生产、销售于一体的专业生产防静电产和无尘室用品的实体。Shenzhen Link&hold Industrial Co. , Ltd belongs to HongKong Fortune Medical Supplies Co. , Ltd which is a corporation specialized in design, produce and sales of ESD &cleanroom products.

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未发现NDPK的表达水平与云锡矿工肺腺癌、富源农民肺鳞癌和肺腺癌有或无淋巴结转移有相关关系。It was not discovered that NDPK expression levels was correlative to adenocarcinoma in A group, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma in B group with or without lymph node metastasis.