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它是那样高昂,那样敦厚,那样葱浓。It is so high, so honest, so thick onion.

敦厚的大象开始留意到他。The good-natured elephant began to notice him.

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整个作品外形设计饱满敦厚,给人亲切随和的感觉。The whole exterior design works full honest, easy-going feel intimate.

我的内在就像我的外表一样,敦厚和实在是我对自己最好的概括。I like my internal appearance, Dunhou and it is my own best summarized.

他旁边有一个温柔敦厚,小个子,年纪五十光景而满面病容的女人。Beside him there was a mild and small and ill-looking woman of about fifty.

印章构型稳固,古朴敦厚,大气浑然,至尊无上。The Seal, solid in configuration, is simple and honest, majestic and supreme.

雅正之旨是“温柔敦厚”诗教的核心,宋词的崇雅倾向正是孔子诗教理论在后代的回声。The tendency of esteem refined to Song-Ci is an echo of Confucian poetic creed.

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他把高度的精明和温和敦厚的外表结合了起来。He combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternize.

它让我们看到,在春秋礼崩乐坏的社会现实掩映下的温柔敦厚与尊礼重义。From this, we can see the blandness and the vogue of politeness under the shadow of social reality.

作为齐鲁文化的中心,济南城市建筑习俗展现的是其传统、敦厚的一面。As the center of Qilu culture, Jinan urban architectural custom shows its traditional and thick aspect.

在受伤之前,他是一个工作勤奋,性格敦厚的人,但受伤之后,他变得暴躁,喜怒无常。Before the accident, he was hard-working and good-natured, but he became ill-tempered and generally disliked.

儿子成绩平平,但不失纯真,喜读书,满脑子古灵精怪,老公敦厚体贴,善饮茶,骨子里浸着沉稳。Son score mediocre, yet pure, hi reading, full of she, her husband Dunhou considerate, good tea, essence steady.

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谢谢您,母亲,谢谢您的爱抚、您的微笑、您的信心、您的信任,但最重要的绯,谢谢您绯这样慈祥敦厚的母亲。Thank you Mother for your love your smiles your faith and trust but most of all for being such a wonderful mother.

谢谢您,母亲,谢谢您爱抚、您微笑、您信念、您信任,但最重要,谢谢您这样慈祥敦厚母亲。Thank you, Mother, for your love, your smiles , your faith and trust, but most of all for being such a wonderful mother.

谢谢您,母亲,谢谢您的爱抚、您的含笑、您的信奉、您的信任,但最主要的是,谢谢您是这样慈祥敦厚的母亲。Thank you, Mother, for your love, your smiles, your faith and trust, many one of hasl for being such an incredible mother.

山给人带来敦厚淳朴,安然自足,坚毅忠诚,这是对“仁者”最好的诠释。Hill brings honest and sincere, Enron self-sufficiency, perseverance loyalty, this is a "benevolent" the best interpretation.

其实,陆蠡散文在清丽平静与质朴敦厚的背后,蕴蓄着峭拔的艺术人格、饱满的的情感张力和硬气的道德品性。But except that his essays are beautiful and simple, they contain artistic personality, emotional sentiments and admirable morals.

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与此同时,对中国传统诗歌而言,含蓄的底蕴是温柔敦厚,这是礼乐传统赋予含蓄的民族内容。At the same time, the content of implication is gentle and sincere, which is national content imparted by the traditional rites and music.

自然的天姿,敦厚的内涵,都是来自真实的自我,来自坚毅的秉性。The natural reigning beauty, and honest and sincere intension both come from my true self, from my firm and persistent natural disposition.

朱自清温柔敦厚的散文风格受中国传统文化特别是儒家文化的影响最深。The prose style of ZHU Ziqing is gentle and soft, honest and sincere, which is influenced by Chinese traditional culture, especially confucian culture.