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烟弥漫了整所房子。Smoke permeated the house.

空气中弥漫着清洁液的清香。It smelled of cleaning fluid.

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空气中弥漫着燃香的香气…The air was sweet with incense.

你闻到空中弥漫的茉莉花香了吗?Do you smell jasmine in the air?

雾从海上弥漫过来。The fog sheeted in from the sea.

烟雾在地平线上弥漫。Smog hung all around the horizon.

房间里弥漫着劣质香水的呛鼻气味。The room reeked of cheap perfume.

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楼里弥漫着臭味。A bad smell permeates the building.

其爱弥漫于空气,其声得闻于夏风。His voice calls in the summer wind.

弥漫着古怪猫腥味的潮湿沙滩。The curious cat-smell of damp sand.

房间刚才弥漫着烟草的臭味。The room reeked of tobacco just now.

厨房里弥漫着水蒸气。The kitchen was beclouded with steam.

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香味弥漫著厨房。The spicy smell pervaded the kitchen.

回忆定格的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。Memory frames, sad like water diffuse.

周六天空浓烟弥漫。Smoke billowed over skylines Saturday.

房间里弥漫着此起彼伏的叹息声。There were groans all around the room.

一种难闻的气味弥漫了全屋。An unpleasant smell pervades the house.

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他讨厌酒馆和酒吧里弥漫的烟雾。He hates the smokiness of pubs and bars.

大雾开始弥漫,渐渐包围了营地。The fog began to envelop the campground.

浓烟罩住了画,弥漫在空气中。The fumes covered it and filled the air.