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但是我还是无故迟到。But I still without being late.

校长不准无故缺席。The principal discouraged unexcused absences.

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这可能会引起马匹的无故受惊。This may cause horses to unexplainably spook.

无故迟到或早退一次扣50元。Late or leave early, every time deducts 50 Yuan.

该同意不应被无故扣压。The said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

我知道,老师对于我的无故迟到也非常的生气。I know the reason for my teacher was also very angry.

你必须参加那个会议,不得无故缺席。You must not be absent from the meeting without cause.

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一个男士抱怨他的持续无故咳嗽。A man complained about a "constant inexplicable cough".

无故与我为仇的追逼我,像追雀鸟一样。Mine enemies chased me sore, like a bird, without cause.

我知道,老师对于我的无故旷课也非常的生气。I know, my teacher for unexcused absences also very angry.

出勤我不区分有故和无故缺席。I do not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences.

按时上、下班,不得迟到、早退和无故缺勤。Be punctual for classes. No lateness and no unexcused absence.

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无故流鼻血是白血病的前兆吗?。Is nosebleed of without reason shedding is leukaemia augural ?

如果人没有加害于你,你不可无故与他相争。Do not accuse a man for no reason- when he has done you no harm.

他已经以无故被革职为由提出了诉讼。He has sued on the ground of being dismissed without any reason.

无故失眠是很多人都会遇到的一种现象。Insomnia is the reason many people will experience a phenomenon.

约翰无故缺席,因此他编了一个理由。John didn't have a good excuse for his absence so he made up one.

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人未曾加害与你,不可无故与他相争。Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.

我真的不喜欢他们无故地增加场景。and I don't really like when they just put things in for no reason.

一个是文档管理员,艾伦,一个无亲无故的健康小伙子。One, your file clerk . a young, healthy male with no living relatives.