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这是照一幅古画临摹的。This was painted after an ancient picture.

模特儿摆好了姿势让美术专业的学生临摹。The model posed herself for the art students.

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临摹、偷取或只是艺术工?To copy or to steal, or is it merely artwork?

他的画是与原作丝毫不差的临摹作品。His painting is an exact copy of the original.

他正在临摹一枚古币的图样。He had been copy the drawing of an antique coin.

一会儿呢我们就要去看看他到底临摹得怎么样了。In a moment, we'll see how well he copies this inscription.

第一次是1629年,他在那里临摹了威尼斯和罗马的很多杰作。On his first, in 1629, he copied masterpieces in Venice and Rome.

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绘画是一种在二维的平面上以手工方式临摹自然的艺术。Painting is a two-dimensional plane in order to manually copy and art.

事实上,优秀的艺术家搞创作远不只单纯地临摹生活。In fact good artists do not only copy life. They do far more than that.

而我最好的朋友又开始临摹我的“作品”,接着我们两个人就被送到了校长那。My best friend copied my drawing, and we were both sent to the principal.

课桌上散乱地放着学生们正在临摹的水果。The desks were littered with fruits which the students had been sketching.

阿蜜临摹那些名画,充分享受了艺术的美妙,真是心满意足。Amy copied those famous pictures and enjoyed beauty to her heart's content.

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我立刻就照做了,然而,我再也享受不到临摹照片带给我的乐趣了。I immediately stopped doing so, but I also stopped drawing for the fun of it.

明确之后,即找出有关的古名书画,使其每日临摹。Clear, that is, to identify the name of the ancient paintings to a daily copy.

张康齐保存着从旧身份证的照片上临摹下来的一张她们的画像,放在床头。Zhang Kangqi keeps a drawing of them, sketched from old ID photos, by his bed.

潘天寿对绘画很感兴趣,开始临摹知名小说中的插图。Interested in painting, Pan began by copying illustrations from popular novels.

书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.

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我教过一门课专门让学生临摹展馆里的绘画。I have occasionally taught a course in which students copy paintings in the museum.

接着,在学校,“绘画课上”我就开始临摹书中的图画。I then proceeded to replicate the pictures in it, at school, during "drawing time."

临摹古人,要学他用笔用墨,懂得他苦心构思。Copying the ancients, ink pen with him to learn, to understand the idea of his pains.