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耳廓随之变成皱缩。With time the pinna becomes shrivelled.

可选用的弓形件夹设在耳廓的周围。An optional bow member clips about the pinna.

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同时也发现四逆散还能扩张小白鼠耳廓血管。Sinisan also dilatate vessel in auricle of mice.

检查耳廓布局、大小、对称性和颜色。A. i ect auricle for placement size symmetry and color.

每个人的耳廓形状都略微有些不同。Everyone has slight differences in the shape of pinnas.

根据耳廓与人体控制关系。The control relationship between the auricle and the body.

耳廓之顶端称耳尖,穴在其上故名。The tip of auricle was called "Erjian". The point is on it.

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耳朵——用你的指尖慢慢划过爱人的耳廓。Ears – Run your fingertip along the edge of your partner’s ear.

耳廓再造术要用耳廓支架对再造耳进行支撑。In the reconstruction of the auricle, standing support was necessary.

耳穴是指耳廓上一些特定的刺激点或刺激部位。Auricular points are some certain stimulating spots or areas on the auricle.

耳廓由耳廓软骨和覆盖其上的皮肤组成。The pinna consists of the auricular cartilages and the skin that overlies them.

耳廓是耳朵明显可见的一部分,非常适合用于抓住淘气的小男孩。The pinna is the visible part of the ear, just right for grasping naughty boys by.

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耳廓假性囊肿是软骨的一种增生性无菌性炎性反应,内有浆液性渗出液。Pseudocyst of Auricle is a kind of proliferative aseptic inflammation with exudate.

采用小鼠耳廓肿胀法、足肿胀法观察乳痛安片的抗炎作用。Study the anti-inflammatory effects of Rutongan tablets by foot-plate swelling test.

目的探讨耳廓复合组织块游离移植成活的影响因素。Objective To explore influence factors on survival of auricle composite tissue graft.

目的探讨治疗耳廓假性囊肿既有效又能被病人接受的一种方法。Objective To explore an effective and acceptable method to cure pseudocyst of auricle.

耳廓也被称为外耳,能起到漏斗一样功用,将声音导入耳道。Also known as the auricle, it works like a funnel, directing sounds into the ear canal.

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每日日夕搓揉耳廓各60次,使耳部发烧有炙烤感为宜。Daily Rixi rub ear 60 times each, so that the ear have a fever have burn is appropriate.

结果再植耳廓完全成活,外形恢复。Results The replanted auricles survived well, and their shapes recovered satisfactorily.

在柔道和摔跤专项运动中,常发生一种特殊的耳廓运动性损伤。In judokas and wrestlers there often occur special wounds of auricle induced by exercise.