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扫描,也称词法分析。Scanning, or lexical analysis.

中国古人已有相当丰富的词法观念。Ancient China had rich accidence concepts.

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如何使用一个亚历克斯一元词法分析器与快乐吗?。How to use an Alex monadic lexer with Happy?

和亚历克斯词法分析程序如何解析c风格的评论吗?。How to parse C-style comments with Alex lexer?

应该给出关于解析和词法分析的一个简短指南。A brief tutorial on parsing and lexing is in order.

以下是对一个句子进行词法分析和解析的示例。Here is an example of lexing and parsing a sentence.

词法部分包括实词和虚词。Morphology comprises notional words and function words.

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在词法上确定范围的变量就是在此处发挥作用。That's where the power of lexically scoped variables comes into play.

如果记号赋予器未遇到这两个记号,则返回词法错误。If the tokenizer encounters neither token, it returns a lexical error.

它采用了递归的方式由上而下的对一个文本的词法进行分析。It uses recursive manner of a top-down version of the lexical analysis.

第三至五部分是崇山土话的词法研究。From the third to fifth part, is to study Changshan dialect's morphology.

表义需要、意义明确、合乎造词法、普遍使用是新词语规约化的前提。Clear meaning, in line with language rules, widely using are the premises.

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全文共分四部分,包括导论、词法、句法和结语。The text includes four parts—introduction, morphology, syntax and epilogue.

第二章即从词法层面探讨英语对香港汉语的影响。Chapter 2 detects the English influence on Hong Kong Chinese at lexical level.

本文主要从语言内部因素方面探讨仿拟造词法的构成理据。The paper mostly discusses the structure of the word-building about imitation art.

语法树只能够表现出源代码的词法和句法结构。Syntax trees only represent the lexical and syntactic structure of the source code.

这门语言简单到甚至不需要有一个符号表来进行词法分析。The language is simple enough that it does not even require a symbol table to parse.

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词法上的灵活性在诸如回归测试和数字签名等方面带来了一些问题。This lexical flexibility causes problems in areas such as regression testing and digital signatures.

在词法结构的测验中,有20个用三句话故事来表示的场景。In the Morphological Construction Test, 20 scenarios were orally presented in three-sentence stories.

这一部分包括词法分析,语法分析,语义分析和生成目标代码四个部分。This part contains accidence analyzing, phrasing analyzing, semantic analyzing and creating aim code.