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你将有多少老主顾啊?How many regular buyers would you have?

我们的老主顾、读者、听众等。Our regular customers, readers, listeners, etc.

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格雷格是赌场的老主顾了,那里的每个人都认识他。Greg was a regular at the casino and everyone there knew him.

我家是琼斯先生蔬菜店多年的老主顾了。My family has traded at Mr Jones' vegetable store for many years.

其他公司都对老主顾购货给予折扣,你们呢?Other firms offer discounts for regular purchases, what about you?

酒吧的老主顾们极欲将全部精华吸收殆尽。Lounge patrons desperately wanted to imbibe the essence of all this.

这家餐馆的老主顾被游客挤得不得其门而入。The restaurant's regular customers are being crowded out by tourists.

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我认识一个老主顾,电子产品销售员弗莱德·哈斯布鲁克。One of my regular customers was Fred Hasbrook, an electronics salesman.

许多老主顾都感觉到了这家饭店的服务质量每况愈下。Many regular customers have noticed that the service in this restaurant is in decline.

她的珍珠小圆石珍珠像小圆石把视线从移开老主顾珍珠小圆石一样撒满了最近才铺好铺好的路面。Her pearls went flying everywhere like pebbles over the road that had recently been paved.

原味麦纤是老主顾味蕾中最怀念的好滋味。Original oat-fiber flavor is the most memorable nice flavor of loyal customers' taste bud.

他把车停在外面,想走进去看看简,他是简的老主顾了。He parked it outside and went in to do a little perusing with Jan, his regular sales woman.

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像附近的阿尔巴尼亚、意大利和西班牙店铺一样,这儿的老主顾都是美国人。Just like the Albanians, Italians and Hispanics who live nearby, its patrons are Americans.

三兄弟说,不仅他们自己,员工和老主顾们也都伤感不已。The siblings say it was emotional not only for them, but for their workers and loyal customers.

饭店老板见老主顾江女士在用餐,为了讨好客户,上前寒暄几句。Restaurant owners to me customer ms jiang the meal, to curry favor with the customer, to greet a few words.

后来便再没一个人肯来托镖了,连老主顾们也都退票了!Then having no a person again afterwards is willing to give Biao, even the old customers also all refunded!

上星期,有位老主顾发现,他得把胡子染色,才能使之与染过的头发相匹配。One longtime customer discovered last week that his beard would need to be colored if he wanted it to match his dyed hair.

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与之前一样,表演者们会身着裸色的皮带装,吸引着老主顾们,使得他们的眼神久久不肯移去。The performers add to the sensual routine by wearing nude-colored thongs that make patrons take an extra long look at the performance.

直接费用不仅包括食物自身,还包括付给员工的工资,他们中许多人很少为餐馆的老主顾看到。Direct costs include not only the food itself but wages paid to employees, many of whom are seldom seen by the patrons of the restaurant.

马来西亚吉隆坡一家洗车行近日因被查出为洗车九次的老主顾免费提供一次性服务而遭关闭。A car cleaning company in Kuala Lumpur has been shut down after it was found offering regular customers free sex after every ninth car wash.