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他们将毒品制成了片剂。They tableted the drugs.

阿立哌唑有片剂和口腔崩解片两种。Aripiprazole is in tablet and liquid form.

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她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets.

她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。Vitamin pills make up what we lack in our diet.

研究该片剂的抗氧化作用。The antioxidative effects of the troche were studied.

对于已经批准刻痕片剂的命名和标示。Nomenclature and labeling for approved scored tablets.

全自动颗粒,液体,粉剂和片剂等包装机。Packaging Machines for Grain, Liquid, Powder and Tablet.

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因此必要的片剂,胶囊和糖浆剂通常可以获取。Thus the necessary tablet, capsule or syrup is obtained.

而担心失去市场的碘片剂生产商也反对加碘盐。So do makers of iodine pills who fear losing their market.

本文对片剂湿颗粒在厢式干燥器中的干燥过程进行了研究。A drying process of wet granules in tray dryer was studied.

美味咀嚼,草莓,香草味的片剂。Great tasting chewable, strawberry-vanilla flavoured tablet.

结论GBP片剂有明显的抗惊厥作用。CONCLUSION GBP table had anticonvulsant action with significance.

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他们收到每天服用一次的组合的片剂或安慰剂。They received either a once-daily combination tablet or a placebo.

为了治疗丝虫病,卫生工作者通常会使用DEC片剂。To combat filariasis, health workers usually prescribe DEC tablets.

目的改进富马酸氯马斯汀片剂的工艺处方。Objective To improve the prescription of Clemastine Fumarate Tablets.

本发明可制成丸剂、片剂、颗粒剂或胶囊等剂型。The invention can be prepared into pill, tablet, granule, or capsule.

并选用盐酸黄连素为模型药物进行包衣片剂的体外释放试验。Berberine chloride was chosen as model drug to prepare coating tablets.

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利用该方法对卡托普利片剂含量的测定,结果满意。The method was successful in the determination of captopril in tablets.

结论国产与进口佐米曲坦片剂为生物等效制剂。CONCLUSION The domestic and imported zolmitriptan tablets are bioequivalent.

此外,也用于醒酒药、口中清凉剂等口嚼片剂。In addition, for the sober drug, mouth refreshing agent with Rose Hips agent.