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要说真有表里如一的人的话,那就是此公了。Here if ever was a man all of a piece.

要想做到表里如一,还需另加花费。To do think that would otherwise cost.

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梅尔夫人决不虚有其表,她是表里如一的。Madame Merle was not superficial-not she.

第三组“表里如一”的胡蜂则没有受到任何攻击。Wasps in the third group suffered neither fate.

我们的婚姻维持了49年,我始终表里如一。We were married forty-nine years and I was always faithful.

目前为止,他仍将表里如一这一优秀传统贯彻到现实生活中。And so far, he’s walking the walk to make that legacy a reality.

他的未婚妻说“他甚至连一只飞虫都不会伤害,我要说的是,菲利普是一个表里如一的人。”All I have to say is, Philip is a beautiful person, inside and out.

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此外,修养还要坚持表里如一的标准。In addition, the tutelage also must persist the same standard all the time.

因为诚实的人一定是讲真话、言行一致、表里如一的人。Because of an honest man must speak the truth, as its word, and say what people.

他们只是去的道听途说和重复表里如一亲的使用。They're just going by hearsay and duplicating what they think the pro's are using.

她一直是一个让人难以置信的、很风趣的人,表里如一。And she's always been an incredibly, funny person. She really is what she appears to be.

我们没有人是表里如一的,但是我们又必须表现出来另外一面来生存。That none of us are who appear to be the outside, but we must maintain appearances to survive.

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就算这件事表里如一,可是我们也不能用辩论来证明真无差异性。As the inside and the outside of an affair are the same, debate, however, can't prove it for us.

小说和戏剧之所以通常都不真实,就是因为作者可能出于需要将角色塑造得表里如一。Why novels and plays are so often untrue to life is because their authors, perhaps of necessity, make their characters all of a piece.

不要为了结识新朋友或维持一段友谊而去做错事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是表里如一。Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.

对那些有幸认识她的人来说,她表里如一,甚至比外表更令人尊敬——她是一个生活丰富、有活力的女士,一位优秀的母亲和好朋友。To those lucky enough to know her, she was what she seemed to be, but much more—a bright woman full of life, a fine mother and good friend.

不要为了结识新朋友或维护一段友谊而去做错事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是要表里如一。Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly with everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.

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“员工参与、改进创新”是延锋江森企业文化的重要基础。“正直、诚信”是延锋江森人表里如一的行动准则。"Deep involvement and innovation" are the foundation of the culture of the company and "integrity" is the principle of behavior for all the YFJC employees.

“员工参与、改进创新”是延锋江森企业文化的重要基础。“正直、诚信”是延锋江森人表里如一的行动准则。"Deep involvement and innovation" are the foundation of the culture of the company and "integrity" is the principle of behavior for all the SYFJC employees.

其意义就在于,用艺术的手法,形象地告诉人们,一个人只有在把真和善完美地结合起来,达到表里如一时才是最美的。Its meaning depends on, with artistic gimmick, figure ground tells people, a person is in only rise faultlessly union, achieve consistent when just be the most beautiful.