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李商隐的七律形成了杜甫之后的又一座高峰。Lishangyin's seven-syllable formed another peak after Dufu.

此七律三首是饶介由行书书成。内容大体是与友人饮酒后所作之诗。The poem was written by Jao Chieh after drinking with a friend.

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从题目看,“反七律体”仍体现了七言歌行自由抒写的特征,但其形式是七言八句而“非格律化”。It usually took the form of eight seven-character lines but was not regulated-versed.

其次,在艺术技巧上,对诗歌的形式之美进行进一步的探索,尤以七律方面的成就为最。On the artistry, they kept on searching in the beauty of poetry form, especially on Qilv.

还有随着学术研究的深入,学界对杜甫单篇七律作品进行分析的文章等。With the deeper of the research and academic excellence of du fu, a deeper analysis of the work time strikingly articles, etc.

七律从其定型开始,就成为了汉语诗歌运用声律的极至和典范,历千余年至今,深得人们喜爱。Qilv start from stereotypes, Chinese poetry became extreme use of sound laws and the model, calendar over a thousand years now, won the popular.

它与格律严整的七律情趣迥异,其最重要的特征是用“仄韵”和“反对仗”。Strikingly characteristic of "oblique tone" and "anti-antithesis", this style of poetry differs completely from regulated verse in mood and emotion.

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正是杜甫以其杰出的才华和丰富的创作实践,使七律这一诗体臻于成熟的境地,可与其它形式相媲美。Du Fu is an outstanding talent and its wealth of creative practice, so Septasyllabic this verse are reaching a mature state, comparable with other forms.

他晚期的拗体诗,特别是七律拗体诗的创作,一改先前的诗风,正是他致力于这种探索所取得的硕果。Due to the results of his long exploration, the Aoti poems in his later period, especially those of eight-line with seven characters to a line, changes a lot in style.

在诗歌艺术上,尤擅七律,语言浅切,议论风发,开宋人先声。In the poetry art, does without authorization the seven-character lyu especially, the language light cutting, discusses energetically, opens the Song person harbinger.

钱起、刘长卿的七律在数量上、所占诗歌总数的比重上都是相当可观的,可以看出钱起、刘长卿在七律这一体裁上的用功之深,在七律发展史上的重要地位。We can see that they work hard in this poem and their importance in history development in qilu poem, from their poem in quite impressive number and the proportion of the total number.

通过对杜甫七律的声律研究,可以看出杜甫在注意打破原有的声律结构而创作变体七律的同时,也在遵循传统创作正体七律。Through a study on the rhyme in DU-Pus Qilu poems, we can find that when he broke the original rhyme structure to create an aberrant Qilu, Du-Pu abided by the traditional formal Qilu poem.

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他是在前人的基础上再加上个人不懈的努力,使七律这一诗体在内容和形式的双重坐标中终于蔚为大观,其功绩永远不可磨灭。He was standing on the basis of former plus personal excellence unremitting efforts, make this a verse in the content and form of double coordinates of the merit, finally categorized will never fade.

最近我收到了我的刑法学授课教师谭明老师的一首优美的诗歌,我当时以一首古体七律的诗歌作为评论回复给了谭明老师。I received a graceful poetry recently, which is written by my teacher of criminal law, Tan Ming . So I also wrote one ancient customs poetry as replying to Mr. Tan . Thanks the graceful poetry of Mr.