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咱们去踏雪散散步。Lets take a walk in the snow.

咱们去踏雪散散步。Lett's take a walk in the snow.

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四蹄踏雪,好象是名种狗呢。Greyfeet Dog, a very royal species.

严冬踏雪不畏寒。Defying cold of winter through the snow.

孩子们喀嚓喀嚓地踏雪而过。The children scrunched through the snow.

今天不太冷,咱们去踏雪散散步吧。It's not so cold today, let's take a walk in the snow.

下午,我们踩着厚厚的白雪,步行到菱湖公园踏雪寻梅。That afternoon, we walk the thick snow and walk to parks.

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大请早的就跟爸爸一起去踏雪,满山片野的全是白茫茫的一片!Stepped on the voice of snow! Like a perfect piece to let me revel in!

祝福远方的小妹——CHINA踏雪寻梅平安!Pray that young distance sister CHINA treads snow looking for Mei Ping An !

浪漫是飞雪的黄昏踏雪而归踽踽独行。Romance is a snowy evening you walk back home alone with creaking footsteps.

下午,我们踩着厚厚的白雪,步行到菱湖公园踏雪寻梅。That afternoon, we walk the thick snow and walk to parks Taxuexinmei Linghu.

水上漂、踏雪无痕是因为腰上挂了威雅,我没有,所以我沉了下去。Somebody can above the water and the snow, because he has wire. I don't have it, so I sink.

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回到小屋后,要是有时间,咱们可以穿上雪鞋去踏雪,或是去敲冰垂钓,悉随尊便。After we get back to the cabins, time permitting, we will either go on a snowshoe trail or go ice-fishing – your choice.

踩着咯吱咯吱的雪声,继续踏雪前行,里面的景色依旧美丽如常。Sound of stepping on the snow Lozhikazhi continue snow before the trip, which the landscape is still beautiful as usual.

梅花应该是非常中国的元素之一,踏雪寻梅——没想到古人真的超浪漫的!Plum should be one element of a very Chinese, Looking for Plum in snow ---- I did not expect ancients really super-romantic!

集中注意力后,我的前额蹿起一阵剧痛,但我忍住疼痛,听到他们在远处踏雪奔跑。Fierce pains of concentration shot across my forehead, but I bore down and heard them running through the snow in the distance.

这与小说的意思相符,因为小说中描述精灵是非常轻的,可以踏雪无痕。This is in line with the information given in the novel, because Elves are so light-weighted that they are able to walk on top of snow.

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我们在春天观赏海棠花,夏日划船,秋天赏菊,冬日踏雪。We viewed and admired Chinese flowering crab-apple in spring, rowed boats in summer, watched chrysanthemum in autumn, walked on the snow in winter.

那年元旦她送了我一张贺卡,写着“踏雪寻梅”收,在众多贺卡中她是多么的与众不同,所以在千百张贺卡中,我记住了她,直到现在也许是永远。She sent me a New Year card written"To the one looking for the plum blossom in the snow". What a larruping card among hundreds of others! I did remember her, now and maybe for ever.

因她样貌清纯可爱,深得贾母的喜爱,特意送了野鸭毛做的大氅给她,才有了宝琴踏雪寻梅的艳景。She was loved by Lady Jia for her purity and prettiness , thus Lady Jia gave her an overcoat made of wild duck feathers, which created the beautiful scene of "looking for plum blossoms on snow."