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她发现他欺骗时气得要命。She went bananas when she found him cheating.

在时气范围内、抢晴播种。When gas in the area, looting, sunny planting.

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那位老人发火时气得毛发倒竖。The old man 's hair bristled when losing his temper.

通常而言,当你睡眠时气将继续运动。Generally, the chi will continue to move as one sleeps.

发生单气隙放电时气隙的击穿电压要比双气隙放电时气隙的击穿电压小。The breakdown voltage of the single air-gap discharge was lower than that of the double airgap discharge.

吸烟患者经喉罩通气时使用异氟醚或气氟醚时气道反应的对比。Airway Responses During Desflurane Versus Sevoflurane Administration via a Laryngeal Mask Airway in Smokers.

本文着重论述了纬管退解时气圈形状控制和张力调节问题。The problem is mainly delt with unwinding balloon shape control and tension adjustment during weft bobbin unwinding.

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这时气相更多也更容易挥发,所以在蒸馏中,物质变成气态,乙醇会更多地跑出来。The gas is going to be richer So in a distillation, where you put things up in the gas, more of the ethanol comes up.

所建模型为进行新型倾转旋翼机大速度飞行时气弹稳定性分析奠定了基础。The model can be used for aeroelastic stability analysis of the new tilt-rotor aircraft in high-speed forward flight.

但在实际问题中,常需要了解亚音速机翼作完全非定常运动时气动力的变化规律,目前能作这种计算的方法还不多。The method is capable of computing the varying aerodynamic force or velocity field in time domain over wings with arbitrary motion.

在测得大量数据的基础上,得出了此时气液两相斯托拉赫数的通用关系式。On the basis of a huge quantity of measured data obtained is a universal relation of the gas liquid Strouhal number for the above cited case.

运用这一原理,发音时气越足,音越圆润而饱满,发出的声音才优美动听,而且自然得体。Applying this principle, when the air the more adequate pronunciation, the sound more mellow and full, beautiful voice was pleasant, and natural decency.

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我当时气坏了,我气那些欺负他逼他吸毒的人,我也很绝望,因为看到毒品对那个小社群的影响。I was filled with anger against the people who had bullied and pushed the drugs on him, and with despair at what drugs had done to that small community".

利用BWRS状态方程编制了相应的求解软件,对变工况时气波制冷机出口参数进行计算求解。Using BWRS state equation to prograrnme gas-liquid simulation software, which is used to calculate exit parameters when the working conditions is changing.

特朗普发现他的角色是个百万富翁时气得头发都竖了起来,因为他实际上是个亿万富翁。Trump's feathers were ruffled when he found out that his character was a millionaire when he himself was actually a billionaire and asked for the line to be changed.

东西风位相时气溶胶面积密度的变化与剩余环流对气溶胶的输送是密切相关的。It changes to negative anomaly during westerly phase. The variation of aerosol surface density is closely related to the transportation of aerosol by residual circulation.

结论本手术方法可减少取自体肋软骨时气胸的发生,胸廓畸形的产生和软骨的回植及软骨膜的保留相关。Conclusion The incidence of aeropleura can be reduced by the methods. It is related between thoracic deformity and perichondrium left and refilled of the costal cartilages.

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由于金属氢化物体系一般具有氢同位素效应,使得交换平衡时气-固相间的同位素丰度发生变化。Because of the hydrogen isotope effects in metal hydride-hydrogen system, abundances of hydrogen isotopes are different between solid and gas phase under exchange equilibrium.

在产能相对较低的井中使用的一种人工举升方法。这时气举系统间歇地工作,使得液体能在井筒中积聚。An artificial-lift method, used in relatively low-productivity wells, in which the gas-lift system is operated on an intermittent basis to enable the buildup of liquids in the wellbore.

提出了测量气相色谱中吸附等温线的新方法,用不同进样量下测定的容量因子计算平衡时气固两相组分浓度。It is based on the constituent concentration of gas phase and stationary phase at the equilibrium can be calculated by using capacity factor determined under injecting different sample size.