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我只能看见几个土坑。All I can see are few pits.

哪儿啊?我只能看见几个土坑。Where is it? All I can see are few pits.

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咱们得想办法把气引到那边的土坑去。We have to try to get the gas to the open pit over there.

我能记起的是一种需要5个小土坑的玩法。What I can remember is a form of playing that needs five pits.

我们这些小陶牛的墓主被长眠着一座椭圆型的土坑里。The owner of our four clay cows would have been laid in an oval pit.

墓群以小型土坑墓为主,并有少量土洞墓,中型墓均为砖室或石室墓。The majority of tombs are small in size, and earth pit or cave in shape.

土坑挖得够深了,太阳也在拉胡尔头顶上烤了很久了。By the time the pit is deep enough, the sun has long been burning above Rahul.

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凯恩斯认为,在极端情况下,政府能通过雇人挖土坑的方式刺激需求。Keynes argued that governments, in extremis, could boost demand by digging holes.

介绍一种运用计算机程序预求大堤所对应取土坑坑底高程的方法。The paper introduces the way to calculate the pit elevation of borrow pits by computer.

一座女孩土坑墓中随葬品精致丰富,表明当时对女孩的爱重。A funerary objects in the tomb pit girls exquisite rich, that was heavy on the girl's love.

汶口出土的文物自然收于博物馆一类的地方,这里不过是一个空空的土坑。Wenkou relics unearthed in a class of natural close at the museum where there is nothing but an empty pit.

有的城镇,救灾人员在对尸体进行火葬,或者将无名尸体堆埋进大土坑里,并淋上石灰。In several towns, workers cremated bodies, or piled nameless victims into mass graves, sprinkling them with lime.

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他觉得多比也应该得到那样盛大的葬礼,然而小精灵却躺在灌木丛间一个草草掘成的土坑里。He felt that Dobby deserved just as grand a funeral, and yet here the elf lay between bushes in a roughly dug hole.

张郃挺枪来刺,忽然一道红光,从土坑中滚起,那匹马平空一跃,跳出坑外。Suddenly, a beam of reddish light formed an arc from the ditch, and the horse, as if treading on air, leaped out of the pit.

在澳门凼仔岛和路环岛两个离岛的植被成功恢复过程中,土坑法这一技术的应用起到了很好的作用。It was very helpful to use the holes digging method in the process of vegetation restoration in the two sub-islands of Macao.

但这一回所有的人都倾向于墨利,他们一边开始爬出土坑,一边回头用愤怒的眼光瞥一眼我们。But this time everyone was entirely in Merry's favour. They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them.

墓群以小型土坑墓为主,并有少量土洞墓,中型墓均为砖室或石室墓。The majority of tombs are small in size, and earth pit or cave in shape. Middle-sized ones are in the form of stone chamber or brick tomb.

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土坑按照天上能量网格形式在现场分布,可能载有石头,柱子或火,以纪念太阳的升起和西落。The pits are positioned on celestial alignment at the site and may have contained stones, posts or fires to mark the rising and setting of the sun.

在白土坑水库加固中,坝坡铺设复合土工膜,坝基进行垂直铺塑并将两者连为一体。In strengthening of Baitukeng Reservoir, the dam slope was paved with composite geomembrane, while the dam foundation was paved with plastic film inv.

在指向太阳方向的巨石阵里发现了两处先前未被已发现的土坑,它们远在石头被竖立起来之前,就被用来作为向太阳顶礼膜拜的地方。StonehengeTwo previously undiscovered pits have been found at Stonehenge which point to it once being used as a place of sun worship before the stones were erected.