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大使亲身背分理传达了分统的成绩。The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.

在司法实践中,行政与司法相分离,民事与刑事相分理。In the judicial practice, administration separated with judicature, civil and criminal lawsuit were treated separately.

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厘清“气韵”的含义对于我们正确地把握和理解中国古代艺术精神,将起到正本清源、明晰分理的作用。This knowledge will provide a clear perspective and help us to understand correctly the ancient Chinese artistic spirit.

正如温家宝分理在政府工做演讲外许诺的那样,为了使我们的人民生活得有威严,我们必须营造一个公平的、且充满正义的社会。In order for our people to live with dignity, as Premier Wen promised in his report on government work, society must be fair and just.

句容的可谐调性是分理型句元复说句的主要特征,集中地体现其句型价值。The flexibility of the sentential capacity constitutes the main feature of SVOVC, which best illustrates the value of this sentence pattern.

这也正是我们为什么期望温家宝分理的讲话能从个人的理想改变为所有决策共同的理想。Which is why we hope Wen's statement will be transformed from a personal belief into one that is shared by all in decision-making positions.

提供门到门服务、货代服务、货物分理、加急限时服务、仓储保管、货物保险。To provide door to door services, freight forwarding services, goods, sub-arguments, the rush limit services, warehousing storage, cargo insurance.

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手机产生“非电离”辐射,它不像X或伽马射线那样从细胞组织中的分子里分理出电子,从而破坏DNA。Cell phones produce “non-ionizing” radiation, which, unlike X- or gamma rays, doesn't damage DNA by stripping away electrons from molecules in cell tissue.

电脑的出现减少了对文职人员的需求,因为不再需要人工来存储和分理数据了,电脑做起这样的工作来会更有效率。Computers eliminated the demand for many clerical workers since they were no longer needed to store and process data since computers could do that much more efficiently.

他们从事着艰苦乏味的工作——捡拾分理垃圾以供回收——每年大概能赚20,000元,换成在家里,也就1000元的收入。Their hard, unappealing work – collecting and sorting rubbish for recycling – earns them as much as 20, 000 yuan a year, compared with their 1, 000 yuan income back home.

这位部长指的肯定是意大利分理贝卢斯科尼最近的丑闻,但我想知道,对于同样大权在握的企业领袖而言,这类说法能否适用呢?While the minister was no doubt referring to Mr Berlusconi's recent troubles as prime minister, I wondered how true this was of business leaders, who also wield lots of power.

相传张道陵于此招集三官、太岁、百鬼,共誓遵守大道,人鬼分理,百姓得以平安生活。It is said that Zhangdaolin summoned Sanguan, Taisui and various ghosts to vow to abide by the principle, separating ghost from this world for a better life of ordinary people.

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本文提出了求解非线性耦合系统的一种迭代算法,这种方法是应用广义拉氏乘子构造校正泛函,然后用变分理论理佳识别。The variational iteration methodology can be applied to a wide variety of nonlinear equations. It is a general and powerful method distinctly different from usual perturbation methods.

分理出甲苯层,用水洗涤,然后在大气压下蒸馏直到移除所有的甲苯,剩余物在负压下分馏。The toluene layer is separated off washed with water and then distilled at atmospheric pressure until all the toluene has been removed. The residue is fractionated under diminished pressure.