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那个推着板车的商贩正在卖西瓜。The trader pushing small dray is selling watermelon.

不一会儿猴子跟雷子枫拉着板车出现。Not and in a short while the monkey with LeiZiFeng took handjack appear.

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他们把同伴推进板车或者独轮推车。有时他们欢呼和唱歌。They push each other in wagons or wheelbarrows. Sometimes they shout and sing.

当你开着轿车,自行车,或者踏板车,开始工作的每个清晨,你是否会路过一所大学?When you drive, bike, or scooter to work each morning, do you pass a university?

为了运货,我自己去拉板车,板车你知道吗?In order to delivery the goods I dragged the board-vehicle by my own do you know that?

板车、马车、大人、小孩从四面八方兴冲冲地赶到那个谓之公共中心的码头上。Drays, carts, men, boys, all go hurrying from many quarters to a common center, the wharf.

小的时候,父亲去卖一点粮食,拖着一个小板车,还载着我们姐妹。Small, the father to sell a little food, dragging a small scooters, also carrying our sister.

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在永康,他们生产摩托车和踏板车,上虞生产塑料雨伞。In Yongkong, they make scooters and motorcycles. Shangyu is renowned for its plastic umbrellas.

有一个来自南京的朋友对我特别好,她通过一个熟人找到了一辆拉煤的小板车。My friend from Nanking, she was so good to me. She bribed a man to steal a wheelbarrow used to haul coal.

定量分析手板车集材对集材道土壤理化性质的影响,提出减少集材作业对林地土壤破坏的具体措施。The effect of push cart skidding on the physical and chemical properties of soil was analyzed quantitatively.

特为长途跋涉的重型拖板车使用,尤能抗拒肋条撕裂,优越的公路与非公路子午线胎纹。Specially designed for heavy load haulage to tackle rib tearing problem. On and off road patten for radial casing.

发明人迪安·卡门展示了他的人体运输车—双轮电动踏板车,其每日运转的费用不到10美分。Inventor Dean Kamen displayed his Human Transporter, a two-wheeled, motorized scooter that costs less than US10 cents a day to run.

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从生态采运角度出发提出减少手板车集材作业对林地土壤破坏的技术措施。Some technical measures for reducing the damage of push cart skidding on the soil were put forward from the view of ecological harvesting operation.

以色列设计了一款电动踏板车,这种车可以折叠成手提箱大小,每充一次电后能以每小时15英里的速度旅行10英里。There's an Israeli-designed electric scooter that can be folded up into a suitcase-size bundle and travels 10 miles per charge at up to 15 miles an hour.

本项目要求竞标者配备符合中国相关法律法规的17.5米标准低平板车,按整车计价。For this road transportation service we require qualified standard 17.5m low floor trucks with Full Truck Load method only according to the laws and regulations.

分析了冷轧板车身在前处理过程中生锈的原因及防治办法,列举了瑞风商务车的前处理防锈措施。The paper analyzes the causes that result rust on car body of cold-rolled steel during pretreatment, and enumerates the anti-rust process in pretreatment of REFINE MPV.

除了亚视的,嘉陵提供完整系列的车辆可从踏板车,双体育,正如有人告诉我,计划重新进入北美市场,到2009年,下一个名称以外的其他万岁。Except ATV's, Jialing offers a full line of vehicles from scooter to dual-sports and, as I was told, plans to re-enter the North American market by 2009 under a name other than Viva.

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希望旅行,踩着我的踏板车,背着大背囊,塞上一只小铝锅,奔驰在大卡车傍,听着振耳欲聋的鸣笛声。Want to travel standing on my scooter, carrying a large backpack, stuffed with a small aluminum pan, Mercedes-Benz trucks in front, listening to the vibration For deaf ear sound whistle.

货物由叉车或升降台的货梯送上二楼、三楼,再由小车或液压拖板车运至指定位置。Goods from the freight elevators forklift or a lifting platform brought to the second floor, third floor, and then by car or hydraulic extension unit trucks for delivery to the specified location.