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但沉默不意指默认。But silence didn't imply consent.

它会随时随地且出奇不意地发生。It will happen by surprise in any place and time.

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明媚大夜晚,我坐在办公室里。忙得不意乐乎!On the clear night, I sat in my office, busy with a lot of work.

我从家里一起走到藏书楼,不意已关门了。I walked all the way from home to the library, only to find it closed.

盗贼正要破门而入时,警察出奇不意地把他抓住了。The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he broke into the house.

一次又一次,杜库想攻其不意,却都被Lorian预料到。Again and again Dooku tried to surprise Lorian, but he was checked every time.

奶奶独自率先潜入县城,不意身份暴露,被保安团追杀。Grandma took the lead into the county alone, no surprise, blown by security group.

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然后,他用一个意想不到的出奇不意,以颠簸观众离开自己的座位。Then, he used an unexpected element of surprise to jolt the viewer out of their seats.

闷闷不乐地过了几个星期后,我的朋友出奇不意地为我举行了一个生日晚会。After I moped around for a few weeks, my friends gave me a surprise party for my B-day.

这回兔子已经安静了有一阵子了,我们俩都期待他能说出构思严密出奇不意的计划来。He'd been quiet for a while now so both of us expected some spectacular, ingenious plan.

警方并没有分散他的注意力,因而也无法采取“出奇不意的致命一击”。The police did not distract him, so were unable to exploit the "crucial element of surprise".

成为代理赤狐和智取坏人利用出奇不意将他们绳之以法。Become Agent Red Fox and outsmart the bad guys using the element of surprise to bring them to justice.

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1926年的10月22日,J·戈登·怀特黑德在蒙特利尔出奇不意地拳击了著名魔术师哈利·胡迪尼的胃部。October 22nd,1926, J. Gordon Whitehead sucker punches magician Harry Houdini in the stomach in Montreal.

1926年的10月22日,J·戈登·怀特黑德在蒙特利尔出奇不意地拳击了著名魔术师哈利·胡迪尼的胃部。October 22nd, 1926, J. Gordon Whitehead sucker punches magician Harry Houdini in the stomach in Montreal.

这封浪漫的信件遗失了好几年,却出奇不意的在本月初出现在一所大学的收发室。The romantic note went missing for years but strangely turned up in a university mailroom earlier this month.

懂得这一点,劣势而有准备之军,常可对敌举行不意的攻势,把优势者打败。Having grasped this point, a force which is inferior but prepared can often defeat a superior enemy by surprise attack.

霸王龙妈妈跑来找她的宝宝,不意间将众人带到了恐龙的世外桃源,从而逃过了大灭绝。Mommy T-Rex comes to find her hatchlings, which leads them to a subterranean world of dinosaurs that escaped extinction.

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她用一个手顺着木材往上抚过去,心想会被池塘表面的那层冰挡住,不意竟碰到像积雪一样的海棉似的东西。She ran her hand up its surface, expecting the ice to stop her. Instead, her hand encountered spongy material like packed snow.

明熙为了答谢哲秀,布置他和允熙相亲,不意被佑珍阻碍,反被哲秀说一通。MingXi in order to thank zhe show, decorate he and grant city mutually close, does not be on the block, by zhe Jane said a show.

同样的出人不意的举动就是当某人迫不及待,不能停下来仔细考虑所提的事件的时候,向他提议某事。The like surprise may be made, by moving things, when the party is in haste, and cannot stay to consider advisedly of that is moved.