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他想要单刀直入,劝告她。He wanted to plunge in and expostulate with her.

我习惯做事单刀直入。I have a habit of jumping into things too quickly.

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单刀直入告诉员工,即便是坏消息Tell it to employees straight, even when it’s bad news

当别人单刀直入时我就会手足无措,就想和人家干一架。I am flat-footed when someone comes right at me, angling for a fight.

他说话喜欢单刀直入,不绕弯子。He likes to come straight to the point without beating about the bush.

今天我打算虎口拔牙,单刀直入地对他说他被解雇了。Today I'm going to take the bull by the horns and tell him he's fired.

但是依然有一些人停下脚步,单刀直入地回答这个貌似难以回答的问题。But there are also those who did stop and make a stab at the seemingly impossible.

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我们还将看到,在什么情况下应该避免跟孩子谈论死亡,什么时候又该单刀直入,避免拐弯抹角。We’ll also tell you when not to talk to your child about death and the euphemisms you should avoid.

一般而言,硬新闻单刀直入,为的是让读者尽可能快地掌握重要资讯。Hard news stories generally are written so that the audience gets the most important information as quickly as possible.

他还说尽管该电影的寓意是深刻的,但表现手法“并不艺术”且“单刀直入、不费脑筋”。" The actor also said that despite the serious allegory, the film was "low art" and "completely unpretentious and silly".

田继业单刀直入地问田守诚与李炳君在蓝香书寓雨夜杀人案合作的原因。Tian Ji asked why Tian Shoucheng come straight to the point and Li Bingjun cooperation in the blue book or fragrant rainy night murder.

“经过颇长的一段时间,彼此之间就可以产生化学作用了,”他一边说着,一面往他的黑色部长办公室椅子前面靠了靠,“在这儿你不能单刀直入谈论公事,事实上你必须谈谈个人方面的问题,有时候这样有助于消除人们之间的隔阂。”That's where you can't just go in and talk about business, you actually have to talk about personal issues. Sometimes it's helpful to unlock the barriers that may exist between people.

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②这个青年痛恨他单刀直入的批评,后来他们相遇了,就激烈地争辩起来,并不顾忌他是一个头发灰白的老人,当众把克莱尔先生侮辱了一番。The young man much resented this directness of attack, and in the war of words which followed when they met he did not scruple publicly to insult Mr Clare, without respect for his gray hairs.

每次都是他单刀直入的先开口,而比较无赖的我们那时反倒显得略微的矜持,面对自己多年的老师,在这样一个场合和气氛中,也确实无法不觉得惭愧和汗颜。Take out your books now! "Each time our teacher would start like this, straight to the point. Facing our teacher in such an occasion and in such an atmosphere, we did feel ashamed and embarrassed."

我们在他的画上可以随处看到这种单刀直入的趣味,无论是用刮刀平抹出的色快,还是用刀刃不假思索划出的线,都在制造着一种不可调和、不可遏制的激情。We could see it everywhere from his works, either in the cube of color by plain knife stroke, or lines sculled by knife without any pondering, creating a kind of incomparable yet inevitable passion.