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中国与印度同属于第三世界。China and India are of the third world.

我们何时会沦为第三世界国家?When do we become a Third World nation?

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中国属于第三世界国家。China belongs to the third world country.

我们的外交政策倾向于第三世界。Our foreign policy tilts toward the third world.

这就是资产配置的第三世界途径。This is the Third-World way of asset allocation.

第一世界并不想把自己的享乐建筑在第三世界的痛苦之上。The First World is not feasting on the misery of the Third.

中国仍想从第三世界国家变成为第一世界国家。China is still a 3rd world country trying to be first world.

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日本人喜欢买美国车和第三世界的消费品。American prefer buying Japs car and third world consumer goods.

如果你到了一个恶浊第三世界,还管用——很便宜!And it helps if you move to a Third World hellhole — it's cheap!

为第三世界国家制造水滤器,以及一些其他公司。OsmoPure, which makes water filters for poor countries, and so on.

中国全是在虚张声势,他们只是个不稳定的第三世界洞穴。China is all bluff and bluster they're an unstable 3 rd world hole.

然后分发给第三世界国家的人,that can be distributed to people in maybe Third World countries or

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是否文盲只在,第三世界的发展中国家存在呢?Is the probably illiteracy confined to third-world developing countries?

西方国家常向第三世界国家倾销剩余货物。Western countries often dumped surplus goods into Third World countries.

利用假期到第三世界国家去帮助那里的人们。Spend your vacation in a third world country helping impoverished people.

第三世界科学院通过一些项目来支持南部的科研。TWAS supports scientific research in the South through several programmes.

中华人民共和国正在逐步成为许多第三世界国家的赞助商。The PRC is gradually turning into a sponsor of many third-world countries.

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第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。There is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.

这些刀片刺网暗示着第三世界潜伏在各个角落。Yet as the razor wire suggests, the Third World lurks around many corners.

家俊·达勒·温博士,第三世界网络研究者与顾问。Dr. Jiajun Dale Wen is a researcher and consultant for Third World Network.