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文本和剪贴画。Text and clipart.

一起做剪贴簿.Scrapbook together.

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将剪贴簿的资料贴上成新表格。Pastes clipboard data to a table.

把叶子放入剪贴簿。Store your leaves in a scrapbook.

看看图片和剪贴画。Look at photographs and scrapbooks.

什么是无字幕剪贴簿?What's a scrapbook without captions?

他把几张地图当剪贴画贴在墙上。He decoupaged several maps on the walls.

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需要帮您剪贴簿项目?Need help with your scrapbooking project?

一些剪贴画需要商业使用版税。Some require royalties for commercial use.

我们叫它“剪贴式编程”。We call it "programming by cut-and-paste".

任何情况下都不要用剪贴画。Do not use clipart under any circumstances.

他把画片贴到他的剪贴本里。He pasted the pictures into this scrapbook.

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共享个人资料,照片,剪贴簿和更多!。Share profiles, photos, scrapbooks and more!

可在你家里的屏幕上创建一张照片剪贴簿。Create a scrapbook of photos on your homescreen.

牛皮纸上保留了照片的剪贴簿页面。Vellum preserves photographs on scrapbook pages.

将非永续性资料放置于系统剪贴簿上。Places nonpersistent data on the system Clipboard.

一个桦木数字剪贴簿与瓷帽。A digital Scrapbook in Birchwood with porcelain caps.

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它和剪纸、布贴一样是一种剪贴艺术。It and the paper-cuts, cloth, paste, like a clip art.

她不知道与剪贴相比,我更喜欢抄录。She doesn't know I prefer copying out to cutting out.

他拄着拐杖,走得慢慢地,挟着一本很大的剪贴簿。He came slowly, on crutches, clutching a big scrapbook.