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公制术语定义的长度单位。A metric unit of area equal to10 ares.

公制或英制读反可用。Metric or imperial reading counter available.

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中国从什么时候起使用公制度量衡的?Since when has China been using the metric system ?

公制单位是国际通用的计量单位。Metric unit is a measuring unit used internationally.

可选择公制或美国的标准单位,以及UTM。Selectable Metric or US Standard units as well as UTM.

百升公制固体容量或体积单位,等于100升。A metric unit of dry capacity or volume equal to100 liters.

INA推力滚针轴承的型号由公制和英制的设计而来。Thrust needle bearings type comes in metric and inch designs.

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博澳旅游总规海南,中国。规划。占地10.18公制面积单位。Boau Tourism Master Planning, Hanan, PRC. Planning. 10.18sqkm.

汽油加油泵已采用公制了。The petrol pumps have gone metric, ie measure petrol in litres.

尽管公制的使用似乎是标准的,仍然有时可以产生错误Even though its use seems to be standard, errors can still happen

不只是在九点来是因为你想看到公制或威瑟乐团。Don't just come at nine o'clock because you want to see Metric or Weezer.

这种突变体可被视为扳手套筒上可以从标准单位转换为公制单位的开关。Think of it as switching the sockets on a wrench from standard to metric.

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如果螺栓尺寸为M27或以下,使用公制粗牙螺纹。When bolt size are M27 and less, metric coarse screw threads shall be used.

公制是献给世界的一份很好的礼物,只有很少的几个国家不使用它,美国是其中之一,公制的确是一个国际性的度量衡制。The United States is one. The metric system is truly an international system.

通过这个应用程序可以方便地在英制单位与公制单位之间来回转换。This will let users easily convert from English to metric units and vice-versa.

如果你看到一个公制或维灰色,这是因为组合无法使用。If you see a metric or dimension greyed out, it's because the combination isn't available.

船体、机械和设备等的设计与建造采用公制单位。Metric system to be adopted for design and construction of hull, machinery, equipment, etc.

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如果螺栓尺寸为M30或以上,公制螺纹螺旋间距应为3mm。When bolt size are M30 and over, metric fine screw threads of 3 mm pitch series shall be used.

公司可生产多个品种的公制轴承和英制圆锥轴承。The company is many more producible the metric bearing of breed and imperial and conic bearing.

通用变速箱允许英寸,公制,直径,螺距螺纹和模块不改变齿轮。Universal gearbox allows inch, metric, diametral, and module pitch threads without changing gears.