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尝试新事物,正所谓人挪活树挪死。Try new things.

这就是所谓的“晶格”。This is the lattice.

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这就是所谓的乳凝。This is called curdling.

这就是所谓的嫁接。This is called grafting.

这就是所谓的“秒杀”。This is called "seckill."

谁能定夺所谓的公平?Who decides what is fair?

这就是所谓的古钢琴。It is called a clavichord.

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这就是所谓的切片。This is called sectioning.

我们所谓的“好”指的是什么呢?What do we mean by "good"?

要像海一般宽广。正所谓「有容乃大」。In tolerance be like a sea.

这就是所谓的狂犬病。This is called hydrophobia.

这就是所谓的蠕动。This is called peristalsis.

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这就是所谓的春分点。This is the Spring Equinox.

所谓成瘾,是你要发挥好几个小时!I tell you, it is addicting!

这就是所谓的海湾大桥。It is called the Bay Bridge.

所谓战略纵深也就这么多。So much for strategic depth.

这就是所谓的“失态效应。That is the Pratfall Effect.

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这就是所谓的根本原因分析。This is root-cause analysis.

所谓的曾经,就是幸福。SO-call ever, is a happiness.

这就是所谓的王政复辟。It was called the Restoration.