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我想闯荡。I do want.

闯荡过多少险探激流。How many spells risk exploration torrent.

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他闯荡一个又一个城市,找了一份又一份工作。He bummed around from city to city, job to job.

你梦想周游世界冒险闯荡吗?Do you dream of travelling the world and having adventures?

孩子们都已离开我出去闯荡世界,去创造他们自己的多彩生活。My children had left to make their own full life somewhere.

在越过栅栏逃走之前两只鹿在街区四处闯荡,最终他们被绳索捉住。The deer duo ran around the neighborhood, jumping fences before taking off.

那以后,他们每个人都要到大千世界里独自闯荡了。After that, they were of their own, ready to enter a world with no boundaries.

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给我一点勇气,让我伴你闯荡,跟你海角天涯。Give me a little courage, let me accompany you along with your far-off regions.

他学了10年技术,自己又在江湖上闯荡了10年,才有现在的手艺。He studied for 10 years, and in the political arena swing for 10 years, is now.

我的父辈就在我的不懂的眼光中,闯荡在大江南北。My father is in my eyes don't understand, make a great river north and south in.

你不要整天在外面闯荡,应该有份稳定的工作了。You shouldn't wander about outside all day long, and it's time to get a fixed job.

但尽管那样,当我走出法学院,开始去外面闯荡的时候,我发现But in spite of that, I noticed that as I went, as I ventured outside of law school,

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他上世纪70年代进入香港影视圈,90年代开始闯荡好莱坞。He began his career in Hong Kong in the 1970s before moving to Hollywood in the 1990s.

辛辛苦苦闯荡海外的很多人中国人一到休息时间,就会调电视机找湖南卫视。In their spare time, they always turn on televisions to watch the programs of Hunan Satellite TV.

所以现在就得打拼就得大胆就得无所顾及的闯荡。Therefore the present must fight on the wanderer who bold must not have takes into consideration.

当然,我想你可能会说,我要自己闯荡天涯,自由自在,不要男人的束缚。Of course, I think you will say, I want to travel by myself lightheartedly without bondages of men.

在客观条件中勇敢的承担一切风险,奋力闯荡、征战,这个人是有志之士。He is a person with lofty ideals who is brave to take all risks and struggles in objective condition.

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我的孩子们已经长大并独立生活了——一个儿子在读大学,另一个在西非闯荡。My children were grown and out on their own — one son at college, the other bumming around West Africa.

原来,他已经回来了,带着自己全新的作品闯荡中国当代画坛。Then I realized that he has returned with his new works and engaged in Chinese contemporary art circles.

很糟糕,当年一起闯荡欧洲的,现在只有帕努齐和我在国际比赛日留在家中。It's too bad because from the group that went to the Euros the only ones who stayed home are Panucci and I.