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哦,谁人可堪忍受?O who can stand?

她是不会忍受侮辱的。She won't bear coals.

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现在却要付出辛苦劳作,忍受恶言相向。Now it takes hard work.

热天气是无法忍受的。The heat is unbearable.

他能忍常人不能忍受的。He conquers who endures.

我无法忍受这种痛苦。I ca'n"t bear the pain."

我不能忍受歇斯底里。I can't stand hysterics.

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你怎么能忍受这个?How can you tolerate that?

她能忍受这次打击。She can bear off the blow.

你必须强颜忍受。You must grin and bear it.

我无法忍受吵杂的音乐。I can't do with loud music.

我不能忍受我的嬾散!I can't stand my ignorance!

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我不能忍受那些围巾。I can't stand those scarfs.

我对此再也无法忍受了。I could endure it no longer.

他们能忍受很多痛苦。They could endure much pain.

我不能忍受热天气。I can't stand the hot weather.

我不能忍受我的破烂英语!I can’t stand my poor English!

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我觉得我不想忍受这样的痛苦。I think I'd rather not suffer.

我们全得再度忍受。We must suffer them all again.

我不能忍受这个噪音。I can't stor under which noise.