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你的工作是苦差吗?Is your work drudgery?

自由设计算是苦差还是一种消遣?Is it drudgery or a stress-free job?

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编词典是趯极其吃力的苦差。Compiling ga dictionary is an awful sweat.

削一袋又一袋洋芋皮真是苦差使。Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.

要准时完成这份报告可真是苦差使。It was absolute hell trying to get this report finished on time.

我们可以选择我们的生活,它可以是一种苦差,也可以是一种娱乐。Life is what you make of it. It can be drudgery, or it can be play.

“我原以为她不想承担这份苦差,”香侬说。"I didn't think she'd want to carry the baby to term, " Shannon said.

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如果当某件事情变成苦差,我会放弃做这件事情或找一些方法让它变成娱乐。If something is drudgery, I either drop it or find a way to make it play.

这分类可真是件苦差,满身臭汗,眼镜和手表都弄脏了。It was tiring and backbreaking work. I sweat a lot, dirtied my glasses and watch.

他们喜欢和那些聪明有才能的人一起合作,工作不再繁重乏味的苦差。They enjoy collaborating with others who are smart and talented, and work is no longer drudgery.

愿为贫穷的人们出点力的这种热忱,可以把那些貌似无尽折磨的苦差变成轻而易举的工作。The enthusiasm of doing something for the people in need will turn our Ixion 's wheel into an easy job.

安排是件苦差事儿,实际上有很多专业的安排员不干其它就只管安排。Arranging is hard work, in fact there are professional arrangers who do nothing but create arrangements.

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但是,如果说与艾娃·加德纳结婚是一份苦差,那么与弗兰克·辛纳屈生活一样艰难。But if it was hard work being married to Ava Gardner, it was just as tough being married to Frank Sinatra.

你有没有花费2个星期在编辑和对照中,这是多闷的苦差啊!Have you ever spend 2 weeks in an edit suite watching rotoscoping? It's a torture the SS would be proud of!

“饶了我罢,”一个男人的声音慵懒地回答,“这种苦差我可不想揽,想做的事多着呢。”"Gods forbid, " a man's voice replied lazily. "It's not an honor I'd want. There's far too much work involved. "

每天,上百万人都要经历漫长的通勤,要么是在拥挤的公交,要么在水泄不通的自行车道,这的确是件苦差事儿!It was supposed to be a day of drudgery with millions facing lengthy commutes on crowded buses and packed cycle lanes.

当这位年青的王子出去收税时,他总是彬彬有礼、合理又合法地完成了这个苦差。When he went out to perform the difficult task of collecting fees and taxes, the young prince was always gentle, fair and lawful.

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尽管打包是一件令人厌恶的苦差活,但也是个清理你所属物的好机会,什么是用得着的,什么带不走。As obnoxious as packing can be, this is also a great time to go through your belongings to decide what you need and what's weighing you down.

善意的玩笑可以缓和争吵,平息争斗,还能把家务缠身的苦差变成一种诙谐、智慧和欢笑。Kind-spirited humor can douse a hot argument, head off a fight, and turn the drudgery of household responsibilities and planning into something witty, smart, and hilarious.

科尔宾自己本来就没想着竞选成功,对于一个永不妥协的斗士来说,管理党派、媒体亮相、没完没了的审查这些苦差一定是种折磨。Mr Corbyn had no expectation of winning the leadership, and for a man who has never had to compromise, the drudgery of party management, media appearances and relentless scrutiny must be a hardship.