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平时喧闹的课堂刹时静了下来。The usually noisy class watched silently.

刹时的破裂须要几年的时间去修补。What breaks in a moment may take years to mend.

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转刹时,墙上的钟敲九点了。In a twinkling. the clock on the wingl struck nine.

刹时,轻轻一怔,朝声源望去。Cha, softly one Zheng, the empire voice source wishes.

事实上,最惨的仍是巴黎,刹时名望受损。Actually, Paris is the most miserable with reputation damaged.

这里的人,事,似乎刹时离我远去了。Here person, the matter, as if checks when went far away to me.

勤恳追寻它们,为了那一刹时的同步,这就是动人的生命奇迹。To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.

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从无话不谈到无话可说,只必要一个沉默沉静的刹时罢了。From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just.

氮原子刹时同时自动化合。The nitrogen atoms comtraye instantaneously, simultaneously and spontaneously.

在有生的刹时能遇到你,竟花光全部运气。It essentibest friend took my luck to meet you for just a moment in my lifetime.

第一次听到对我说“我”,我的世界一刹时鲜绽放。When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time my world blossoms.

这种场地我经历多了,对这类人我太明白,我可以刹时就把他给打得屁滚尿流。I have been around long enough to know this kind of guys. I can rip him to pieces in a second.

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一双窄窄的石墨笔裤能让一个公共甜心刹时变身性感女神。A pair of cropped skinny jeans can be the key to going from all-American sweetie to sexy siren.

从前有一对情侣曾经在某晨雾中,站在一座既高、风又大的山丘上互相亲吻,世界刹时停止了转动。Once on a high and windy hill, in the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still.

我这时突然感到一种异样的感觉,觉得他满身灰尘的后影,刹时高大了,而且愈走愈大,须仰视才见。I suddenly felt a strange feeling, think he dusty after day, tall, and heals big, must admire inspect ability to see.

然后,我就重重地跌在了地上。一阵巨痛刹时传遍了全身——我的右腿撞在了一块大青石上!Then I fell down on the ground heavily. My right leg dashed upon a big stone and I was surrounded by a flow of throes.

我每次想做一件事,机灵如我能刹时找到理由来自嘲自弃,自我击败。Every time I think of doing something! instould likely I can find a reason to mock inside myself and defeinside my purpose.

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感受梦的火焰,感受飞翔刹时,当一切浪漫迢遥,永恒仍然。to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far away, the eternity is always there.

如果在死亡那一瞬间,我们已经能够深刻地了悟我们的自性,刹时就可以净化我们的业障。If, at the moment of death, we have already a stable realization of the nature of mind, in one instant we can purify all our karma.

然而,在西方现代主义思潮与商品社会的冲击下,中国油画的写实主义刹时迷失了精神家园。However, under the assault from Western modernist trends and a commodity driven society, Chinese realism has for a moment lost its spiritual direction.