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亚当斯和我是不共戴天的死敌。Adams and I were deadly enemies.

这一卖国贼营垒是中国人民的死敌。The traitors were spat on and cursed by the people.

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这一卖国贼营垒是中国人民的死敌。This camp of traitors are deadly enemies of the Chinese people.

为球迷而战。只在和死敌或者杯赛决赛的时候有用。For the fans. See pre-match. Only for fierce rivals or cup finals.

然而,作为反对资本主义这个死敌的向导,马克思对资本主义的看法却颇有先见之明。As a guide to the sworn enemy, capitalism, however, Marx was more prescient.

这些战士准备着为了抗击他们的死敌——以色列国。These militants are preparing to fight their sworn enemy, the state of Israel.

沙马先生曾是他信先生死敌,但这位投机主义者此后却成了后者的代理。Mr Samak, once Mr Thaksin’s sworn enemy, was now an opportunistic proxy for him.

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顺便说一下,千万不要怨恨对方,它是我们的死敌,它可以摧毁我们的生活,让我们迅速变得苍老。Holding a grudge is deadly. It destroys our life and makes us old before our time.

在这种气氛中,罗马本赛季的季票销量落后于同城死敌拉齐奥也就不令人惊讶了,尽管这种情况此前只在2003年发生过一次。Lazio, were it not for the fact this has only ever happened once before – in 2003.

李洪志及其“法轮大法”尤其敌视唯物论和无神论,视唯物论和无神论如死敌。Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Dafa" was particularly hostile to material and antitheism.

但是外界对它落后于近邻死敌的观念依然存在。But the external perception of a city being left behind by its nearest rival remains.

有传言称利物浦打算签下在死敌曼联效力的英格兰天才前锋约翰·科菲。Liverpool want to sign England youth striker John Cofie from rivals Manchester United.

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德奇将从杀死整团整团的死敌中获得极大的满足。Durge would take great satisfaction in being able to kill legions of his sworn enemies.

这座他要布赦免的尼尼微城是毁灭他家族的死敌。It comes down to this, Nineveh, the city to be absolved was the murderer of his family.

他们是叱咤风云的人物,所以在党内、党外树立了死敌。Being masterful figures, they made bitter enemies both within and without their parties.

这片土地现在落入了马卡尔的死敌——银色城邦法师的手中。Its lands are now in the keeping of the Mages of the Silver Cities, Markal's mortal enemies.

热刺需要从周中被同城死敌阿森纳4比1击败的痛苦中恢复。Spurs need to bounce back from their 4-1 home defeat by north London rivals Arsenal in midweek.

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事件的主要袭击目标是孟加拉现任总理谢赫·哈希纳,她是齐亚的头号死敌。Sheikh Hasina, the apparent target of that attack and nemesis of Mrs Zia, is now prime minister.

如果敌人血量很低,1到2下普通攻击能够打死,那么你可以闪现跟过去A死敌人。BE READY TO FLASH WITH THEM and finish them off if they are low enough to die in 1-2 auto attacks.

亲密的朋友有时支持不同的球队而且在看球赛时变成死敌。Close friends sometimes root for different teams and become sworn enemies while watching the game.