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对,是一对生过孩子的金童玉女!Yes, even if we've had a child!

天有牛郞织女,地上金童玉女,唯吾与尔。Sasae Weaver cattle days, on the ground, but I and Seoul.

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原本都是金童玉女包裹在童话般的幸福之中。They were virgins circumfused with happiness in fairy tale.

报道评论称,这对金童玉女的关系看上去不尽乐观。It seems all is not well with team Jolie-Pitt, said the report.

贝克汉姆夫妇1999年节婚,这对金童玉女是人们眼中的模范夫妻。The Beckhams married in 1999 and their celebrity is entrenched around the world.

好莱坞的“金童玉女”布拉德·皮特与安吉丽娜·朱莉即将离婚,结束了他们为期12年的感情。Hollywoods golden couple – Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie – are to divorce after 12 years together.

现在我们就要看到真正的童话故事,Serena和Nate这对金童玉女终于在一起了。Now we get to see this fairy tale for real — Serena and Nate, the golden couple, finally together.

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我们是金童玉女,每个人都相信我们会过得幸福美满,事情怎么会变成这样?。We were the golden couple. Everybody knew we were going to have this wonderful life. Why is this happening?

结婚时他们被称做一对金童玉女,他们是那么漂亮而般配,赢得好多人的羡慕。They would have been called gold boy and emerald girl at their wedding, enviable for their matching good looks.

家族成员会记得哪位亲戚总是一事无成,谁是麻烦制造者,谁又是家中的金童玉女,但实际上这些角色根本不会影响工作能力。Families still remember when their relatives were screw-ups, troublemakers, or golden children, though those roles may not affect competence at work.

对于那些爱幻想的小女生来说,金童玉女的结合一直是让人心潮澎湃的童话故事。My daughter who fantasized regarding these loves said since birth that young boys and girls' union lets the fairy tale story which the human is choked up with emotions.

民间传说,梁山伯、祝英台是侍奉玉帝和观音菩萨的一对金童玉女,由于他们在天上违犯天规,被贬到了人间。According to the folklore, Love and Lovers were to serve the Jade Emperor and the Goddess of Mercy, as they violated the regulations of paradise, were banished to the earth.

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这也许解释了好莱坞当时的“金童玉女”布拉特・皮特与珍妮・安妮斯顿的分手,也同时解释了为何安吉丽娜・朱丽会对已经结婚,看似婚姻甜蜜的皮特“情有独钟”的原因了。The phenomenon, known as ‘mate poaching’, might perhaps explain why Angelina Jolie could not resist Brad Pitt despite his being seemingly happily married to Jennifer Aniston.

众所周知,中国羽坛的林丹和谢杏芳曾经是体育圈最让人羡慕的一对夫妻,他们甜蜜恩爱,被认为是体育界的金童玉女。As is known to all, China is the best male shuttler Lin Dan and xie xingfang once sports circle the most enviable couple, they love each other sweet, Jennifer, is regarded as a sport.

自正殿前沿阶下谷,有真武洞,清光绪年间建,题额“玄天上帝”,内祀真武神及金童玉女。Cutting-edge bands from the main hall under the valley, there Zhenwudong the Qing dynasty was built, the amount of questions, "Tien God", really Fukatsu and colorful decoration of worship.

住在冷冰冰的金门玉阶的屋里,吃着五香牛肉一类的麟肝凤脯,天天游手好闲,不在松树下着棋,更同金童玉女厮混,也不见得有什么趣味。Living in the cold room Golden Jade order, eating spicy beef category of Lin Feng preserved liver, idle about every day, not in pine chess, more girls Sihun, also not necessarily what fun.