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说实话,免责声明哦。Truth be told, disclaimer.

是的,他们在亚洲杀了人都可以免责。Yes, in Asia they can get away with murder.

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这些论点算是我的免责申明。But I state these points above as a disclaimer.

本部分还对免责事由进行了论述。This part also discusses the grouds for exemption.

产品质量存瑕疵免责条款判无效。Flaws in the goods, Invalidity of impunity clauses.

请参阅我们的免责声明以了解进一步详情。For further details, please refer to our Disclaimer.

他们用免责声明作为技术术语。They Use Disclaimers Couched in Pseudomedical Jargon.

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让我们从刑法及其免责条件着手。Let us start with criminal law and its excusing conditions.

请细阅本场所张贴之关意外之免责条款。Please read carefully the accident disclaimer posted in the rink.

当你任何时候引述维基百科上的内容作为事实所做的免责声明。A disclaimer for any time you quote something from Wikipedia as fact.

阁下一�浏览本网站,即受站内所载的免责�款约束。Browse of this site signifies your agreement of the terms of DISCLAIMER.

例句交强险规定的免责范围不包括逃逸。The impunity what compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement.

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他发表了和他的十四行诗第七首中同样的免责声明。He's making exactly the same disclaimer that he had made in Sonnet Seven.

不过这项农民免责只限定于某些特定的农业作物。However, the derogation applies only to certain specified agricultural crops.

既然我们已经排除了所有的免责声明,那么开始了解新内容吧!Now that we've got all of the disclaimers out of the way, onto the new stuff!

限制免责条件的范围的另一原由是证明的困难。Another reason limiting the scope of the excusing conditions is difficulty of proof.

但也有免责条款,例如香港为基地的恒大地产集团有限公司。But there are exceptions, such as Hong Kong-based Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited.

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认可清单应与本署主页的「免责声明」一并参阅。The Approved List should be read in conjunction with the 'Disclaimer' at EMSD Home-page.

分时,隐私政策,版权,免责声明,网站地图,它是如何工作,成为一剂,帮助。TOU, Privacy Policy, Copyright, Disclaimers, Sitemap, how it works, become an agent, help.

本人已详细阅读上述告知书并承诺接受上述全部约定包括安全免责约定。I have read the agreement and promise to accept all the items include security and disclaimer.