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他率领队伍取得了胜利。He skippered the team to victory.

这位男子将要率领贸易访问团。The man will head the trade delegation.

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以色列魏茨曼科学研究所的丹·陶菲克教授率领他的团队加入该领域的研究。Enter Professor Dan Tawfik and his group.

率领无数天军投入剧烈的战斗。In dubious battle on the plains of Heaven.

他率领了一个旅游团去欧洲了。He conducted a party of tourists to Europe.

我精神紧张,但是仍率领着这支队伍前进。I was nervous, but I led the parade onward.

抽鼻子,他率领出孤儿院。Sniffling, he was led out of the orphanage.

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我骑马率领我的军队来到格拉斯哥附近的朗塞得。I rode with my army to Langside,near Glasgow.

我骑马率领我的军队来到格拉斯哥附近的朗塞得。I rode with my army to Langside, near Glasgow.

率领是一个黉舍或企业的头头。A leader is the head of a school, or enterprise.

他率领一支游击队抗击日本侵略者。He led a guerilla band against Japanese invaders.

率领着他们的是邪恶的外星人君主-Michiru。Leading them is the evil alien overlord, Michiru.

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他率领一伙人抓住五个支持奴隶制的人,并将他们杀死。He led a group that seized and killed five people.

兰齐希斯和沃斯率领三个营前往萨卢卡迈。Rancisis and Vos led three battalions to Saleucami.

博思韦尔和我率领着军队驱马回到爱丁堡。Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh with the army.

每项一个方阵由一名将军率领。The other two phalanxes were led by senior generals.

他率领军队讨伐叛乱。He headed the troops to crusade against the rebellion.

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他率领主力部队攻城。He led the main strength of his army against the city.

他率领大部队进城。He marched into the city at the head of a large force.

在某种意义上,率领应是事业的带头人。In a sense a leader is the pacesetter in doing things.