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1992年沧州地市合并,河间市由沧州市代管。Cangzhou City in 1992 to merge Hejian hosted by the Cangzhou City.

这座城市特有的地市墓地游仪式也是很受欢迎的。Tours of the city's unique aboveground cemeteries are also popular.

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1984年,温州地市合并,建立现在的鹿城区。In 1984, merged cities of Wenzhou, the establishment of the present Lucheng District.

现代远程开放教育模式中,地市电大教师已由讲授主体向导学主体转变。In modern Distant Open Education , the role of teachers has changed from a lecture to a tutor.

结合随机边缘模型进行估计专利产出效率,并以广东省地市数据在进行实证分析。Use stochastic frontier model to estimate the efficiency of patent output with Guangdong's data.

2011年,伊水亭服饰面向山东周边地市招商、加盟、代理、创业、连锁。Since 2011, we have put our effort into investment, joining-in, agency, chains around Shandong Province.

费格罗亚,洛杉矶东部郊区南艾尔蒙地市市长,现在得在晚上11点前离开市政府。Blanca Figueroa, the mayor of South El Monte, a suburb east of Los Angeles, must now vacate city hall by 11pm.

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时政新闻是新闻报道的核心部分,也是地市台的立台之本。The current political news is the key part of the news report and the foundation of districts and city stations.

高值主要集中于华北平原、东南沿海和四川盆地等地区的地市。The cities with the highest RI are located in the North China Plain, the southeastern coastland and Sichuan basin.

开展的地市分布较广,而且包括一些大中型国有企业。The development prefecture distribution is broad, moreover including some large and middle scale state-owned enterprises.

期望“一管之见”能对当前和未来地市党报的竞争发展研究尽绵薄之力。Expect "a view" to the present and future of the party newspapers to the development of competition research help in some way.

本文运用数理统计的方法对河南省地市经济发展水平进行评价和区域划分研究。The author carries out the research on the sub-administrative regions economic level and geographic division of Henan province.

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运用数理统计的方法对吉林省地市经济发展水平进行评价和区域划分研究。The paper carries out the research on the sub-administrative region's economic level and geographic division of Jilin Province.

2010年10月,英联邦运动会在新德里举行,当地市政局用了38只长尾叶猴来帮助控制那些淘气的小动物们。When the city hosted the 2010 Commonwealth Games last October, its municipal council used 38 langurs to help with critter control.

期望“一管之见”能对当前和未来地市党报的竞争发展研究有所助益。Hopefully the outlook of this paper will be of benefit to the development and competition of the present and future party newspapers.

与其它地市高校的比较表明,襄樊相对滞后的高等教育与其作为省域副中心城市的地位不相适应。Compared with colleges in other cities, Xiangfan higher education's lagging-behind doesn't match well with its status as a sub-central city.

广西是我国狂犬病主要疫区之一,而玉林市又是广西发病人数最多的地市之一。Yulin city is one of the few prefectures with most human cases in Guangxi Zhang autonomous region which is one of the main epidemic regions in China.

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研究认为,湖南省省运会体育场馆发展至今,已经形成了以长沙市为中心,向周边地市辐射的一种规模和档次较高的格局。Study, Hunan Shengyunhui stadiums now, has been formed to Changsha city as the center, the surrounding cities of radiation a higher grade scale and pattern.

获得长安杯就必须连续三届荣获全国社会治安综合治理优秀地市奖。The award is given to the cities that have won the honor of National Outstanding City for Overall Administration of Public Security for three consecutive times.

实验结果显示虽然乡村地形之横风向频谱较地市地形为窄频,但其整体扰动性仍较小。Results indicate that although the peaks of across-wind spectra are more sharply defined in open country than in urban terrain, the integrated spectral energy are less.