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他们去年夏天分隔隔离分袂了。They broke up last summer.

它们分袂是什么意思?What do they mean respectively?

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价钱也有很大的分袂吧?。Is there much of a difference in price ?

洛杉叽和京都分袂是5万万和4千5百万。Los Angeles and Kyoto had 50 million and 45 million respectively.

饲粮叨质也有它的对分袂特性的做用。The feed concentration has its effect on separation characteristic also.

研究人员向加入尝试的人分袂出示了10张标致的和不标致的异性脸部的照片。Theresearchers showed students pictures of either 10 attractive or 10unattractive faces of the opposite sex.

到2010年12月,斯凯奇在中国拥有100多个发卖点,其中有10家旗舰店分袂位于上海、北京和广州。SKECHERS ended May, 2010 with more than 100 stores in China with 10 flagship stores located in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

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分袂于2、4、7、10周后不雅察看肝脏的组织病理学改变及门静脉血流动力学转变。The changes in the portal hemodynamics during the pathological process of liver tissues were observed after 2, 4, 7 and 10 weeks.

好吧,我便是不可巧有我能加热的一艘像烤箱相似的压力船。兴许那是为什么一半的器材我一齐黏分袂。Well, I just don't happen to have an oven-like pressure vessel I can heat. Maybe that's why half the stuff I glue together comes apart.

这一技艺不妨表象勾画40愿望者在旁观分袂器械照片刻,脑部痛觉感到器的画面。This technology visualized the pain receptors in the brains of 40 volunteers when looking at photographs of partners they had broke it off with.

追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分袂被视为日韩两国成长的转折点。Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development.

分袂经由过程电源的L1端子和N端子对干扰噪声进行测量,但在切换测量线路时,可能会发生高压瞬间脉冲。The L1 terminal that carries power supply respectively and N terminal undertake metrical to disturbing noise, but when switch measures circuit, may produce high-pressured instant pulse.

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在这项研究中,每对双胞胎也分袂陈述了他们的皮肤在没有涂防晒霜的情形下晒伤或晒黑的情形、他们的体重、患皮肤癌、抽烟以及喝酒的历史。At this time, each of the twins also separately reported how their skin burned or tanned without sunscreen, their weight, and their history of skin cancer, smoking, and alcohol drinking.