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安排经常性的轧辊检验。Arrange regular inspection of roll journals.

还对锻钢轧辊的发展趋势做了预测。Trend of forged steel roll for rolling mills is forecast.

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焊管轧辊质量直接影响着焊管产品的质量。The quality of roller directly effect welded pipe quality.

一次移动一支轧辊,防止辊身之间的接触,碰撞。Avoid roll on roll contact by moving only one roll at a time.

对于同一被修磨的轧辊,修磨工序的安排可以有多种。There are many ways to arrange the grinding process for one roll.

通过模拟计算的结果,给出了最佳的轧辊冷却模型。According to simulant result, the optimal cooling model is provided.

有两个男孩玩弹珠,而一名男童附近的轧辊一夏。There are two boys playing marbles, while a boy nearby rolls a hoop.

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通过扫描电镜研究了激光刻花轧辊上刻花点的微观结构。This paper studied the microstructure of laser texture rolls by SEM.

提出了斜轧扩管机轧辊辊型设计方法。In addition, method for roll groove design of the mill is put forward.

轧辊横移方法是控制板形和板凸度的一种有效手段。Roll shifting is an efficient method to control strip shape and crown.

具体来说,轧辊馈包装灭菌,并逐渐形成一个筒。Specifically, roll-fed packaging is sterilized and shaped into a tube.

我们吸取世界轧辊成型机行业的成功经验。We learn from the world roll machine industry's successful experience.

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轧辊表面粗糙度过低,将会减少轧辊上机的压研量。Low roll surface roughness will decrease the total campaign being rolled.

上臂支点有4步凸轮调整容易轧辊中心的变化。Upper arm pivots have 4-step cam adjustment for easy roll center changes.

熔覆层的裂纹是阻碍激光熔覆技术制造高速线材轧辊的关键问题。Clad cracking is the key for the laser cladding of high-speed wire roller.

一旦钢板断裂,它会绕着轧辊回滚并在上面绕线。When the strip breaks, it springs back around the roll and coils around it.

检查指出,铰接式双转子的头部,足球场及轧辊修剪轮子。Check out that double articulated rotor head with pitch and roll trim wheels.

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滚丝轧辊方法更有力,精度稳定,无屑。Threads and profiles are stronger, consistently accurate and there is no swarf.

平面轧辊铁心硅钢宽度上的变化或切割长度没有要求。Variation in width of flat rolled electrical steel, not resquared or cut lengths.

对轧辊偏心控制存在的应用问题进行了分析和展望。The application problems of roll eccentricity control are analyzed and prospected.