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甲基麦角酰胺。Amine of acyl of ② methylic ergot.

避免随之而来的麦角胺和相关药物。Avoid concomitant ergotamine and related drugs.

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高水平的麦角钙化醇对鸡也是有毒害的。Ergocalciferol at high levels also is toxic to chickness.

他获得毒品,巴比妥酸盐和麦角生物碱。He was given narcotics, barbiturates and ergot alkaloids.

属于麦角菌目、麦角菌科、虫草属。Ergot fungus belonging to orders, ergot fungus Branch, Cordyceps.

冠脉造影和麦角新碱激发试验证实右冠状动脉痉挛的存在。Coronary angiography and ergonovine test confirmed right artery sp asm.

目的优化注射用尼麦角林的工艺处方。Aim To optimize the technology preparation of nicergoline for injection.

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麦角新碱组毛细血管床密度降低。The density of capillary bed in the ulcer area of ergonovine group decreased.

长期以来我用麦角胺来对付偏头痛,因为它既不贵又有效。I managed them with ergot for a long time, and it was inexpensive and effective.

研究了雀稗麦角菌产麦角碱发酵条件。The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali.

对产麦角碱雀稗麦角菌的发酵培养基进行了研究。The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali.

目的观察尼麦角林治疗多发性梗死性痴呆临床疗效。Objective To observe the effect on nicergoline in treatment of multi infarct dementia.

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谷物被子串菌纲麦角菌污染后,导致麦角中毒,一种中毒症状。Infection of grains by the ascomycete claviceps purpura causes ergotism, a toxic condition.

对产麦角碱雀稗麦角菌的发酵培养基进行了研究。This paper is a study of culture medium of Claviceps Paspali for ergot alkali fermentation.

麦角菌属于真菌门,寄生在黑麦和谷类作物与禾本科植物的子房内。Claviceps purpurea is a fungus that grows on the ears of rye and related cereal and forage plants.

香菇中含有麦角淄醇,在接受阳光照射后会转变为维生素D。There are ergot catalpol in mushrooms and they will turn into vitamin D after soaking up the sunshine.

这种损伤更具有潜在的危险性,因为它涉及到治疗中所用到的一种药物——麦角胺。This damage is potentially more alarming in that it involves one of the drugs used in treatment ergotamine.

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硫酸镁联合麦角胺咖啡因、西比灵治疗偏头痛。Patients of migraine were treated with magnesium sulfate injection ergotamine caffeine and cibelium capsules.

在评估使用麦角洐生物进行治疗的风险-效益比率时应考虑到这一点。These findings should be considered in evaluating the risk–benefit ratio of treatment with ergot derivatives.

从12株酵母菌中筛选出一株麦角固醇高产菌株YN2。A high Ergosterol-producing strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae YN2 was selected from 12 yeasts in our laboratory.