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所向披靡,亦非一人之功He alone?

曾经所向披靡的第三帝国。The ever-invincible Third Reich.

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他们一开镰就所向披靡。Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield.

2006年后,他在总统选举中所向披靡。Later in 2006, he swept presidential elections.

在托马斯·贝克特的助佑下,亨利国王所向披靡。Henry, with Thomas Becket’s help, dominated his world.

当时第二次世界大战正在激烈地进行着,德军似乎是所向披靡。World War II was raging, and Germany seemed invincible.

果然,配带宝箭的儿子英勇非凡,所向披靡。Sure enough, belts son Bao Arrow extraordinary bravery, skelter.

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在某种程度上,所向披靡的铁三角注定要以解散收场。The parting of the invincible trio, to some extent, is predestined.

曼联在冠军杯中所向披靡,无人能敌。Manchester United in the Champions Cup skelter, no one can be the enemy.

一支神秘的队伍游走于上海滩,所向披靡、神秘莫测。A secret team wanders at Shanghai beach, not measure invincible, mysteriously.

你会发现这么一点传统的骑士精神会让你在床上所向披靡的。You’ll find that a little old-fashioned chivalry goes a long way in the bedroom!

而现在,最优秀的象棋程序可以称得上是所向披靡And now it's in fact the case that the best programs can beat pretty much anybody.

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而尼克斯的战绩也将大踏步前进,并在季后赛里所向披靡。The Knicks' record would dramaticaly improve and we will dominate in the playoffs.

盖因西风浩荡,跨国资本所向披靡,文学面临危机。In this materialistic world, where capitalism reigns, literature is facing a imminent crisis.

所以现在阿森纳必须尽力找个方法在本季打败这支所向披靡的队伍。So now Arsenal must try to find a formula to beat a team that has been almost invincible this season.

他们是祖国的蓝天卫士,展现出了所向披靡的气质和胆略。They are the blue sky of the motherland defenders demonstrated an unbeatable temperament and courage.

在上次成功营救父母后就名声大噪,为了正义他们四处出击,所向披靡。After the last successful rescue of famous parents, they attack in the interest of justice, invincible.

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除了发行40张专辑和偶尔在电影里的歌曲演唱让人称赞,她在百老汇、电视上还有音乐会的舞台上都所向披靡。She triumphed on Broadway, TV and the concert stage, as well as on some 40 albums and occasionally in movies.

正当他们所向披靡,即将把伦敦夷为平地的时候,他们却不战自败。Proper they carry all before one , while levelling London to the ground soon, but they do not fight frustrating.

在杀伤力方面,它的爆炸冲击力极大,足以破坏坦克装甲,这一点也使它们在对付各路装甲上所向披靡。Upon impact, the blast power is strong enough to rip open tank armor, making them effective against armor as well.