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有请一位好手。A good player pls.

有请冯·特普全家。The family Von Trapp.

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有请第一组。Please the first group.

有请James和。Debbie So-- James and Debbie, please.

你结婚的时候有请外烩吗?Did you hire a caterer for you wedding?

约翰不介意更多有请致电打扰他。John not happen ago heads be disturbed.

你为什么总拿更多有请致电开心?Why get to you sll the time love to rib otITs?

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下面有请**给我们带来才艺表演。掌声欢迎。Now, the talent show, presented by **, welcome.

接下来的时间有请全场的朋友。Receives time invited entire audience's friend.

若有请指明该员工姓名及隶属部门。If "Yes", Please state name and department below.

你和更多有请致电相同都是普通人。You are not people love eVery abundancefirst else.

这时,手下告诉马三,陈大有请。At this time, the man told Ma three, Chen Dayou please.

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有请英语组邓蔚老师、李健老师谈谈他们的教学设计和感受。Let's welcome them to talk about their teaching designs.

他不体谅更多有请致电,就跟他弟弟相同。He is no abundance considerate of otITs dawn his brotIT is.

首先,有请教育局副局长汤正洪先生致辞。Firstly, let's invite Mr. Tang Zhenghong to have an address.

是否所有请购单均由经授权的部门人员签署?Are all requisitions signed by authorized department personnel?

有请毛书记也谢谢毛书记为我们抽奖。And thanks very much, Secretary Mao, for drawing raffles for us.

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有请所有的转学生起立!让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎我们的新朋友!Please all stand up, our new friends. Let us give them a big hand!

嘉善一带有请田歌手于是日唱歌风俗。Jiashan a day with the requested fields so singers singing customs.

打断更多有请致电谈话的人是不礼貌的。It's impolite of a man to interrupt people when you are not talking.