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有人用铲刀在空中砍下去了。Someone struck through the air with a spade.

更长的铲刀,提高了作业效率。The longer moldboard improves working efficiency.

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观察并探讨了不同工作介质沿模型铲刀表面流动和粘附的情况。Medium particle flow along blade surface and adhesion to it were observed.

作业系统采用单手柄液压先导操纵,铲刀动作全部为液压控制。The working system adopts hydraulic pilot operation. Blade is operated by hydraulic system.

单阀可实现铲刀油缸提升、封闭、下降和浮动。It is composed of implement pump , hydraulic tank and various valves , cylinders , filters and lines.

为行星摆线齿轮滚刀及其成形精铲刀的简约化设计开辟了一条切实可行的途径。A practical and feasible route for planetary cycloidal gear hob and formation precise relieving cutter is opened too.

通过测试不同工作介质中模型铲刀的推土阻力,分析了不同的工作介质对推土阻力的影响状况。Bulldozing resistances of model blade have been tested in different working media and effects of media on resistance were analyzed.

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利用三维特征造型技术实现了链轮滚刀基本蜗杆法向齿形与轴向齿形的图形转换,为精铲刀廓形的精确设计提供了依据。By using the functions of 3D feature modeling, graphic transformation for normal profile and axial profile of basic worm of sprocket hob is achieved.

肯普抓住了格里芬的两只胳臂。一个警官抓住了他的双腿。有人用铲刀在空中砍下去了。扭动着的隐身人终于瘫倒在地上。Kemp got hold of Griffin's arms. A constable seized his legs. Someone struck through the air with a spade. The writhing unseen figure sagged to the ground.

刮板带双面用高强度耐磨材料刀板,可根据土壤硬度的不同,控制铲刀入土角度。Scraper with double-sided knife with high-strength wear-resistant materials, board, according to the different soil hardness, the control point of the blade buried.

艺人使用小汤勺舀起溶化了的糖水,在石板上飞快地来回浇铸,画出造型,并用小铲刀将糖画铲起。The artists use a small spoon to scoop up the sugar melted, spread rapidly back and forth on the slate, draw shapes. Then use a small shovel scooped Sugar Painting.

推土机的工作装置利用液压系统驱动,控制铲刀油缸来完成推土等作业。The working device of bulldozer takes advantage of the hydraulic system to drive and control cylinder of shovel to complete the homework, such as pushing soil, loading soil etc.

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研究结果表明,法向压力在模型铲刀表面呈二次曲面分布,在模型铲刀的中部取得最大值。The experimental result shows that the normal pressure distribution on the surface of the model blade is a conicoid, the maximum of the normal pressure is in the middle of the model blade.

针对装修后残留的漆点、胶点、涂料点、水泥点等痕迹使用清洁球、专业铲刀,配合稀料、专用清洁剂进行细微清洁处理。After decorating the paint residue in point, rubber, coating, cement at some point, use clean traces, professional shovel knife, ball with thinner, special cleaner undertakes subtle cleaning.